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Erasmus Experience in Budapest, Hungary

Why did you choose to go to Budapest, Hungary?

I chose Budapest because it’s in the centre of Europe, which means it’s great for visiting other countries. Hungary is a cheap country and there are a lot of foreigners doing Erasmus in Budapest.

How long does the grant last? How much money do you get for help?

I spent 5 months on the Erasmus exchange and I spent a total of around €2, 500 (with one-way trips included) and I received a scholarship of €1, 425. So I spent €1, 075 from my pocket in 5 months which is about €200 / month. If I had stayed in Portugal I would have spent close to that. Taking into account that during those 5 months I had the opportunity to travel and to get to know 7 different countries, I think the grant is perfect.

What is the student environment like in Budapest?

Budapest has a lot of Erasmus students and other foreigners who take the same courses. In addition to Erasmus students there are students from other continents. You will meet many American and Asian students.


Would you recommend the city and the University of Budapest to other students?

I would recommend Budapest for an Erasmus exchange, without hesitation. It’s a unique experience that you will remember for a lifetime... Budapest and Prague are for me the best options for Erasmus.

What's the country's food like?

I had bad experiences with Hungarian food. They eat little meat, have strange spices, and they like sweet foods that are more like desserts. I did not like that! That's the downside. But there are Turkish restaurants, Italian restaurants, fast food restaurants and you can always cook your own food.

How did you find accommodation?

With the help of the BME Budapest Erasmus Student Network (ESN).

How are accommodation prices? And the prices in general?

Between €150 and €300 per room.

What is the language like? Did you take a course at the university?

The language is quite difficult. But you can get by with English in the city

What is the cheapest way to get to Budapest from your city?


Where do you recommend for a night out in Budapest?

Budapest has a very lively night life that goes on until the early hours of the morning. The pubs open quite early, because they eat early, at 7pm people are already having a drink in the pubs. You will find bars and nightclubs open every day of the week, Instant, Conrvintetto, Morrison's, Play club, Dokk cafe, Szimpla and Rio are some of the best places to go.

And to eat out in Budapest? Can you name your favorite places?

Pizzaboy has huge, tasty and cheap pizzas made fresh.

And in terms of cultural visits?

The thermal baths are not to miss, there are several and different varieties. There are also interesting museums. The Parliament, the castle, the S. Mathyas and the citadel are places that no tourist should miss.


Do you have any advice you would like to give to future students in Budapest?

Live every day to the full. The city has so much to offer. Travel whenever you can. You will not regret anything you've done. You're going to regret a lot of things you did not do and should have done.

You'll miss it so much when you get home, you'll make lifelong friends and friends from various parts of the world.

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