Fast food branches: A complete waste of money

Published by flag-ir Saba Jalali — 6 years ago

Blog: Budapest diaries
Tags: flag-hu Erasmus blog Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

Hey guys! How is everyone doing? Well first of all Merry Chritmas and Happy holidays. I wish that you guys all have a great one along side your loved ones. I did an exam today, which was extremely difficult and so within the time that we had to wait for the exam results we went to Corvin mall and had some food. Now as you all know or don't know I'm a huge fast food junkie and so naturally I wanted to try more fast foods here and basically get to know which ones are actually worth eating. Anyhow even though I trick myself by saying that subway is super healthy, we all know that it's not that much. So today I decided to give Subway a try and as you can guess from the title,  I was immensely dissatisfied. Here's a gist of my experience and I'm only sharing it because I want to say that if you have the choice of trying out subway in any other country, do so and don't ever have subway here in hungary

Experience in Subway:

Well so Subway has always been one of my favorite fast food chain, due to the wide range of choices and everything. I was excited to try it out. Firstly the prices of the 6 inch sandwiches were not too high. It cost like 900 forints to 1100 forints. I mean that's pretty much how much a sandwich costs anyways. So I ordered my favorite which was italian BMT, I always used to order the same in Malaysia and so It was like hell yea le'ts see how it tastes here. I chose the bread oregano and cheese and honestly all I can say is that the bread was probably the only good thing about the sandwich. First of all the ham and the salami were small and dried out, I mean come on people we are in Europe, this is the land of ham and salami. Then the veggies were all meh and literally everything was smaller portion wise. They didn't have that many sauce options and the woman making my sandwich was very impatient. of course that's not how all subways are but yea. When I sat down to have the sandwich the whole thing just didn't taste the same, I make better Ham sandwiches in my kitchen than they did in Subway and so Yeah I won't be having more subways here in Budapest. At times like this I really miss Malaysia with it's amazing fast food which was cheaper than here too. 


(Photo taken from: )

My experience with Burger King:

Nothing tops my Subway experience except my Burger King experience. I mean oh god, all I can think about is how did I do that to my own stomach I mean come on!! Anyhow this was towards the beginning that I moved here and I mean Burger King in Malaysia isn't the greatest but it's certainly not the worst and so yea I was like we're hungary and let's try out burger king. Well as you can guess that was a bad idea. Well first of all, and the strangest of them all is that you have to pay for ketchup sauce here. I mean what???? I have never witnessed that in other countries and anyways moving on, the burgers looked like they were made by a 4 year old and if you don't believe me, by all means please be my guest and try it out. the cabbage inside of the burger had gone bad and it was so dry. it was the epitome of a horrible burger. Seriously guys all jokes aside don't you guys think I have a bright future ahead of me as a food critic? what do you think? Let me know 


Yes I know the place looks beautiful but don't be fooled

(Photo taken from: )

A better alternative: 

Well I know what you guys are thinking, I mean you're probably like well damn saba okay now what do we do? and I'm about to tell you to not worry. There are this small Gyros stalls all over Budapest, I feel like Gyros is like the Greek version of our Shawerma. Anyhow they are cheap, tasty and at least you can see that they are putting real meat and chicken into your sandwich,  and oh they have these chilly and another cucumber sauces which are amazing as hell. You should definitely get a gyros if you are hungary and you want to eat on a budget. I mean most Gyros cost like 500 forints and bigger ones are maximum 1000 forints and they are so so filling. so Don't worry Budapest has got a way to make up for it's horrible and horrifying fast food branches. Let's continue discovering this city and adding to our list of alternatives.

Fast food branches: A complete waste of money

How appetizing I know 

(Photo taken from: )

Fast food branches: A complete waste of money

(Photo taken from: )

oh also i'm going to start being slightly active again so please stay tuned for more pieces and entries. 


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