Cafe hopping :Sirius Tea house

Published by flag-ir Saba Jalali — 6 years ago

Blog: Budapest diaries
Tags: flag-hu Erasmus blog Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

Well the day I finished my exam I went to two tea houses in one day, if that doesn't show my adoration for tea then I don't know what does. I swear though this place is like finding narnia and to be honest I'm not so good at finding magical places or else I would be studying in Hogwarts by now! But I have this crazy spontanous friend and he so good at this, he's a natural and so he took me here actually. It's so secluded, it's basically like a coffee house inside of a fort, those forts we used to build as a child, I know that seems so exciting and it was. The place also had a hippie and bohemian vibe to it, which i kinda started digging. 

The exact address by the way is : Budapest, Bródy Sándor u. 13, 1088

So yes how would you get here? Well what i love about Budapest is that literally everywhere and I mean literally everywhere is accessible via public transport and it's kinda small so like you get to everywhere quite rapidly. But gosh that is so different back in Tehran I mean there it takes two hours for you to just go to the super market and come back. Anyhow you guys can use the metro line M4 and get to "Rackozi ter" from there it's a 5 minute or less walk to the sirius tea house, you could search it on google maps. Now once there you won't see any banners or anything for the tea house, but you should look down and see which of the basements actually has their lights on and then try to go in there, once you climb down the stairs you can see a coffee house revealed. I know it sounds creepy but I swear it's not that hard to find it. okay once you enter you see a normal selection of chairs and tables, something looking like this, and the cashier and the exit door. Here's the picture of it uploaded below.


(Normal sitting area, I mean even here it looks spooky and odd, in a good way)

don't stop there, go further and then you enter this area, this reminded me of iran and how we had to take off our shoes in those traditional restaurants and we sat on bencehs covered in carpets, and stuff anyhow you can sit there or you can explore it further


(The second part where you gotta take off your shoes)

Yes further, it actually goes further and here's the cool part of it, enter the small opening that you see, at first my friend told me the same, he was like saba go inside of this and I was like no man what the hell you go, he was like okay why are you so untrusting, I was like I don't I'm scared but yea he went inside and I followed him as well. so you go up a bunch of small stairs and voila another sitting space revealed and this one looks like a real fort, I'm serious you could see couples hugging and cuddling in the fort above us , or at least that's what I think they were doing. 


(Mysterious opening)


(Ignore my bubble blowing friend)

(Where it leads) 

Anyhow the teas weren't as cheap as the big ben tea house but not too expensive either, I'd suggest checking out the place because of the design not much because of the menu, although it's pretty good nonetheless. This cafe is also one that is usually open till late, around 10 pm every night so it's a good place to drop by after hours. I mean after cafe hours but for normal hours it's actually before hours :)) 

Let me know if you drop by here, and what you think of the place 


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