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Erasmus experience in Bucharest, Isabel's Romania

Why did you choose to go to Bucharest, Romania?

I chose Bucharest because it was somewhere that had always attracted my attention. I have Romanian friends in Spain and I really wanted to know what their country of origin was like. I had it stuck in my head that it was the perfect destination for me to do my Erasmus and furthermore, the cheapest!


How long did the scholarship last? How much money did you receive to help you?

My scholarship lasted for four months. I left Spain in September and I came back in February. My University in Bucharest (Universitatea Ecologica din Bucuresti) allowed me to extend the scholarship, but my University in Spain wouldn't let me do that.

Would you recommend the city and Bucharest University to other students?

Of course!

What was Romanian food like?

The food is excellent. In fact, I actually miss the food there and I learnt how to cook some simple Romanian dishes.

Were you told how to find accommodation?

I had found accommodation when I was still in Spain. My advice is that if you're going to rent a shared flat or a "garsoniere" (a studio), try to find it whilst living in a hostel out there - they're pretty good and cheap! Student residencies are not always good. On this website you can find different hostels http://www.hostelworld.com/.

How much does it cost to live in Bucharest?

Renting a room in a shared flat comes to about 200€. Food is cheap, including the times you end up eating more street food. Transport is also cheap. You'll be able to go out and travel without having to worry too much about money.

What is the language like? Did you do any language courses at the University?

As for the language, at first I didn't understand anything. As the days passed, I managed to make some Romanian friends who helped me with the language and thanks to them I learnt a lot. By the end, I was understanding a lot of what they were saying to me and I could form simple sentences that I could use to get by. It was fun. I didn't do any sort of course, but my understanding is that there were some universities that offered Romanian courses.

What is the cheapest way to get to Bucharest from your city?

The fastest and most comfortable method is to fly. These two websites are the best to find a cheap flight: http://wizzair.com/es-ES/Search and http://www.blueairweb.com/. You can also drive there in a car or take a bus, but that takes about 3 days.

Which places would you recommend for a night out?

The central district (Lipscani) of Bucharest was very good for going out, there are a variety of pubs. Some places that were good are: Expirat, The Vintage Pub, Kulturhaus, Bellagio Club, Club A, Fabrica Club, Club Goblin, Control Club, El Comandante...


And to eat in Bucharest? Can you recommend some of your favourite places?

A place that you can't afford to miss is "Caru cu Bere", a really good restaurant that is cheap and serves typical Romanian food and is always really lively. It's best to reserve a table. It's in the old town. The "City Grill" chain of restaurants is also good.

How were the cultural trips?

Visit the Parliament palace, the old town, the Russian church, the Stavropoleos church, the National Museum of Bucharest Art, the Antipa museum, the Satului museum, the Triumph Arc, the Cismigiu gardens, Herastau park...

Cismigiu Gardens

Do you have any advice for future students who are thinking of going to Bucharest?

Enjoy this experience to the absolute maximum, travel as much as you can, get to know people, absorb the Romanian culture, but above all, go about each day with a smile, learn as much as you can and be happy!

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