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Experiencia en Bowling Green, Estados Unidos de Jordan

What is it like to live in Bowling Green? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Bowling Green is a typical US college town. Not too much going on other than the row of bars down town, a 15 minute walk if you aren't staggering away but with your swerve on I'd say about a 20 min walk. the campus is not too shabby, semi new and the gym is quite nice but there aren't an extreme amount of events or anything really happening here. "making your own fun" is definitely something that you must do here and with the friends you make, it shouldn't be too difficult.

What is the student lifestyle like in Bowling Green?

The students are pretty much friendly and open to everyone. I have had a good time getting to know many people here, foreigners and locals and would say if you keep an open mind you will succeed in making friends quite easily.

How much does it cost to live in Bowling Green?

Neglecting having a meal plan or dorms, I would say from $200-$400 a month should suffice. It just all depends on how much you go out/drink. If you are a savvy girl who swindles the free drinks, or the guy buying 6 rounds for half the bar. Pretty much what it all comes down to.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Bowling Green? Is there any advice you can give?

Accommodation is pretty easy to find here in BG and I would recommend renting a house close to campus for that will be the most convenient, cheapest and by far the most fun.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Well typical american food...and Mashed Potatoes and Gravy with Amish Noodles. Shit is to die for

What places would you recommend visiting in Bowling Green?

Downtown, The Attic, Becket's, if you have a chance and a ride An Arbor, Grand Rapids in Ohio.

Is it good to eat out in Bowling Green? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Stones throw is a quality place to have a drink and entrees. Frickers is also a great place to have some cheap bar food, watch a game, and drink a few brews.

Is the nightlife good in Bowling Green? Where is good to go?

Downtown, The Attic, Becket's

What advice would you give future students heading to Bowling Green?

Good luck and be ready for some good 'ol american entertainment and cheap booze. Have fun everyone and if you will be present in the winter bring a heavy coat and be ready for wind.

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