Translations blog of Aaliyah in English

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This is my translations blog with useful content for Erasmus in English

Blog posts

  • Glasgow

    The journey began in Glasgow, my home for one year. Something that many people mix up, is that Glasgow is Scotland's biggest city, but not its capital city. That's Edinburgh, which i'll also talk about, but later. I don't want to bore you with my arrival. I lived in a...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Glasgow 5 years ago
  • Another month and a half to go - everything's slowly falling into place!

    My semester abroad in Iceland is getting more and more official! Yeah I still have to take exams at ETH before then, but I've started to organise things anyway! I've arranged my flat, which i'm going to be sharing with an exchange student from France - It's very central...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Zurich 7 years ago

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