Te supranto la cara

flag- Ivan García Martín — 0 people follow the author

This is a blog from two EVS volunteers in Lithuania. We will write about our experiences and our adventures

Blog posts

  • Election of the BEST CHILDREN BOOK (and the best witch costume)

    The 21st of January was a special Election Day ;) Children from Elementary school came to decide the best book for children between some selected books according to their tastes. For this occasion we had the super idea to wear some Witches costumes and add a competition...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Siauliai 9 years ago
  • Workshop 13th of January

    To celebrate the January Events in 1991 we organized a workshop with children and we built some bells with Lithuanian colours.  It took a couple of days to figure out how to make it easy for 6 years old children but in the ende we decided for a kind of mosaic with...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Siauliai 9 years ago
  • The beginning of new activities

    This week I started a new activity in the Leporių Library: Spanish Lessons!! Now I have the oportunity to work like a teacher. A lot of lithuanian people are interesting in these lessons.  I should prepare my lessons (information, activities, material) because every...

    0 , in General 9 years ago
  • What we have done until now!!!

    Well, we had participated in a lot of activities until now, such as: 1. - Shadow theater, with children from different schools. For Christmas we had too much fun wearing these funny customs: Christmas:kcxm Every week until Christmas we had activities with children and...

    0 , in General 9 years ago

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