Students for Change (jose manuel en)

flag- jose manuel — 0 people follow the author

This blog can talk all sports, travel, culture, policy studies everything you want but always with an alternative vision that together we can achieve changes in this capitalist world we live. (en)

Blog posts

  • out in Nantes 1: Lieu Unique

    This is a bar that is a fucking very close to the chateau of the Dukes of Brittany and the hell of it before was the old biscuit factory in an insurance company that you all know it's LU biscuits. but during the war one of the towers was destroyed and there is only one...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Nantes 14 years ago
  • I am a junkie and I erasmus

    It's true I'm a junkie, I love the grass, alcohol, women all that I love is my life is I want to do more but I have the great good fortune to be specific andalucia sevilla and I appreciate so very much andalucia leaders (in this case PSOE) that I give away 6500 turkeys...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Nantes 14 years ago
  • Nantes city of dreams ...

    The truth is that cost me a lot decide to leave town erasmus... I knew I always wanted to go to France but had to decide between Paris and Nantes.. Paris is known worldwide and was perhaps that is why he is who in the end I opted for Nantes, because it's more little...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Nantes 14 years ago

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