My month in Barcelona

flag- Ana G — 0 people follow the author

It was not difficult to decide where to go for the summer: beaches, atmosphere, nice weather, monuments ... Barcelona has it all.

Blog posts

  • The arrival

    Packing I was really looking forward to coming to Barcelona and as someone normally expects, a person that already has their trip planned also takes some time to think well about the luggage. But not me - not in this case and not even when I went to Erasmus + in Madrid...

    0 , in General 7 years ago
  • Why Barcelona

    First time in the city When I was traveling back to Ljubljana from Madrid, I did a 10-day long trip. I was traveling with all the luggage taking buses and looking for Couchsurfing hosts and Airbnb stayovers, it was quite a crazy trip with a friend with many anecdotes,...

    0 , in General 7 years ago

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