Marco Polo (Fran en)

flag-es Fran Gonzalez — 0 people follow the author

El viajar no hace mal :P Curiosidades de los viajes! (en)

Blog posts

  • Artists in Bérgamo

    In the way to Poznan from Seville, 3 friend and I had to change our plane in Bergamo, with one day of difference between them! So we went to take artistic fotos around the city. They 2 study art and mw architecture, so we got very good ideas! I hope you like!

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hannover 13 years ago
  • The 2 coldest days in my life

    There were in Budapest (I dont know if in Buda or in Pest) but the temperature feeling was the worst! We went there with Ryanair. 0. 02 + 0. 02 cents go and back! Great! Two days. Incredible how the river Danubio was coming with very big blocks of ice. Hopefully we...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hannover 13 years ago
  • Cophenague - Absolut Ice Bar

    One one most exiting things I did in my Erasmus was going to Denmark. In the city of Copenague, there was an Ice Bar! What is this? An ice bar is a place where everything is made of ice. The bar, the glasess, the toilet, the walls, the floor, the tables and chairs......

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hannover 13 years ago
  • Köln Carnival!

    In February 2009, 2 friends of mine and me decided (suddenly) to rent a car and go... like;What go one day to a trip and rent a car;....;but why one day?, we can go now;....;ok, we can go;. Like this :P. We finished going to Koln, Dusseldorf, Essen, Dortmund, Stuttgart,...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hannover 13 years ago
  • Ryanair New Routes 2011

    They are coming, they new routes for this year. From april-may-june our lifes will be easier :P. Ryanair will open new terminals in the airports of Europe! F. ex. from Seville, we'll have Ancona, Bourdeaux, Venice, Stockholm, Santander, Lanzarote and Ibiza... and from...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hannover 13 years ago
  • Polish Beach

    The polish beach is not the same than in Spain. When I was there, I was taking the sun looking at the sea (Baltic See) but not, you must be orientated to the back. I must say that there are not appartments... there is a forest, connected by stairs to the beach. Last...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hannover 13 years ago
  • Bristol!

    When I go to visit my GF I must take at least 2 transport vehicles... 2 planes or 1 plane and 1 bus... In December 2010, I went to Poznan I the cheapest fly was;jumping; in Bristol, England. This city is famous cos of the Hanging Bridge, the famous anonimous painter and...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hannover 13 years ago
  • Almodóvar Castle

    Almodovar Castle is placed near Cordoba, around 20-30 km from it. Its decoration is inspired in the middle Age and it's full of diffrent shields from the different families whick lived there! I must say that if you go in the day you can discover the rooms inside the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hannover 13 years ago
  • Biskupin - A very ancient fortress

    My GF is from Poland and 1 time I visit her she decided to go to Biskupin! It's an ancient fortress, near her city, Poznan. We enjoyed a lot cos there was an exposition there which explained everything about the area. The houses where ordered in rows and the roofs were...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hannover 14 years ago
  • My first overseas trip!

    In 2008, I took my first plane with destiny: England! A friend of mine was Erasmus student in Sheffield and we took a plane from Granada to East Midlands. I must say that I love Sheffield. It's an universitary city with many kinds of different people. I liked a lot the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hannover 14 years ago
  • When we were poor!

    When I was in Germany, a teacher spoke us about a website to travel! It's cheaper because you can share the space and the money of the benzin. I used once this kind of transport. Three guys going here and there without plans :D And it was great. no place to sleep but we...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hannover 14 years ago

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