Ikealand and the country of Nobel (J. en)
Breaking myths
Thinking 15 seconds what comes into your mind when you hear the word;Erasmus.; Stop reading. Do not cheat, okay? So what? Is any of these? Alcohol, crazy parties, easy to pass the subjects... Surely if you have been Erasmus do not the same as the rest. And it is true...
New and lost erasmus
Do you remember when you were totally missing those early days? I remember them perfectly. I was awarded the Erasmus scholarship in January 2010. I knew that my destiny was Stockholm but I had no idea that I was coming. It is precisely these moments are of illusion,...
Erasmus Student Card
Among the thousands of Erasmus paperwork must have when you give the scholarship was one I were very impressed. It was a small card with the silhouette of Erasmus of Rotterdam called;Erasmus Student Card;. It is a letter with the rights and duties of all those fortunate...
Stockholm at night
This is one of the most important point to Erasmus student: the night in the city. It is true that the discos close at 3 am but they open at 10 and usually at midnight are totally full. Actually in Stockholm you can choose among many options to go out. There are bars...
Architecture in Stockholm: all styles
Architecture is a subject that fascinates me personally. For example, in Stockholm is amazing how changing the architecture, buildings and streets in some areas of the city to another. If you like this item you can see many styles here. To start somewhere, the oldest...
What do you know about Sweden?
A good advice I can give you is that you research it the place you go to that will save you some misunderstandings and know better how you should prepare your suitcase. I can help with some basic data. First you must know that in Sweden the official language is Swedish,...