Erasmus tips of lidia 7091

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lidia's blog with useful tips for future erasmus

Blog posts

  • Program to do collage of pictures - Curiosities it i a program online that you can use when you want, it is free. It is really good to make collage of pictures! I am using this often to do collage with my pictures of this year of erasmus

    0 , in Erasmus tips 13 years ago
  • Dictionary - Language

    You can look some words or some doubts that you have online, is really good dictionary, but also, you have to look some word in american english you can look in education.

    0 , in Erasmus tips 13 years ago
  • Discount card for the trains - Economy

    In Netherlands you can go to all the cities by train. For this, there is a discount card, it costs 55e, but it is available during 1 year. With this card when you buy the ticket for the train, they will do to you a discount of 40%. It is rentable, because only when you...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 13 years ago
  • LIDL - Friends and Family, Economy

    The cheapest supermarket in HOlland, and in all the countries i think, it has quality and good products

    0 , in Erasmus tips 13 years ago
  • the spring is coming - Health

    Let's go to some park and take the sun. theses countries are not like Spain, so when it's sunny you have to enjoy it.

    0 , in Erasmus tips 13 years ago
  • Coffe!! - Leisure

    Take a coffe after party, if you have the next day to visit a city! You will need it!

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago
  • Edinburgo! - Just arrived

    Its is a nice city and there a lot of people, so you can learn english with them. BUt the problem is the scottish, it is difficult to understand the people. In edinburg when the native people talk me I do not understand anything, they speak very quickly and strange. :)...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago
  • WEBSITE - Language

    I know a website very interesting in which you can learn english very well because it has a radio programme and tv show for all levels and with a lot of different topics! The website is its really interesting! it help me a lot!

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago
  • good translator for the mobile phone - Language

    ITS good option to translate words from spanish to english and viceversa. you can download it for the mobile. its very useful. The website is and the application is MObile translator ME 1. 2! IS FREE! and it works with every mobile with java. It can save...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago
  • Heritage Tourism - Lessons

    I advice if you go to Stenden university, in Leeuwarden, and you do not know much english do not choose modules from the third year, they are very difficult and the people competitive. is better if you choose modules from the second year, it will be more easy!

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago
  • Plane and videogame - Curiosities

    My friend bought a videogame in the plane while we were come to here, and the videogame did not have battery, was a problem because he wanted to play during the trip xDD So before you buy something in the plane, you need to be sure that all the things are correct...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago
  • Credit card - Curiosities

    Do not put the credit card near to the mobile phone. I had a lot of problems with this. I came to Holland and I put the credit card with the mobile and didn't work more, I needed to do a new credit card! It was so badd! Be careful with this! :D

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago
  • Erasmus and the language - Lessons

    At the begining I want the Erasmus grant to improve my english in other country, it was the first reason. When I came here I didn't know speak in english and a little bit write in english, but I want to improve. But I don't understand the university here, because they...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago
  • living in a residence is better than a flat - Language

    I know because I am living in a residence! when you go to other country I think that is better to live in a residence where you share the kitchen, living.. so you are sharing with other students, you can learn more the language, new cultures, new foods... and of course...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago
  • Discover new world - Trips

    I was in some countries, but I recommended that you can not lost to visit Amsterdam of course, Prague (it is a city very nice, it has cultural places and a lot of party), Bruges in Belgium and Volendam in Holland (small fishing village near to Amsterdam)

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago
  • the shops in Holland - Curiosities

    All the shop close at 18. 00, except on Saturday that close at 17. 00! it is important to know this. at the beginning, always I ate, sleep "siesta" and then I was to buy but all the shops were close. Only the big supermarket are open until 21. 00 like Albert Heigh,...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago
  • Tickets for the train!! - Transport

    There are some offers, I think coming out twice a year, on October and the other on February, in shops like Kruidvat, where they sell tickets for the train by 12, 5 € and lets you catch all the trains that you want during one day (Saturdays or Sundays). It is very...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 14 years ago

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