Erasmus tips of Borja 356475
Listen music online - Friends and Family
Nowadays, the best way to listen music, is listen music online. You dont have to download music, and you can have your hard drive not full of music.
The Erasmus Scholarship is given late!! - Economy
All the futures Erasmus should know that usually the scholarship is enough to live in your Erasmus city, but the problem is you must to have enough money to pay everything by yourself until get the scholarship, maybe are 4 months or more without get it! So the tip is...
Tips for the future Erasmus - Before
We make usually plans the week before to leave from our home, but it can be a little late, so here's a short list of essentials that one should be prepared to Erasmus, the moment you step into a new country land. Documentation Cell Food for first day City Map Cash in...
Why is important be an erasmus? - Before
An international exchange is an exciting opportunity for you to travel, to broaden your horizons, and to gain an insight into a different way of life. An exchange, consisting of either academic study or an international work placement, not only enhances personal and...