Croatian Journey

flag-bg Alexandrina Nikolova — 0 people follow the author

Croatia is the country that holds one of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as one of the most beautiful cities...

Blog posts

  • A day trip at the Plitvice lakes

    While me and my best friend were in Croatia we decided to visit another famous part of the country and this was the Plitvice Lakes. The Plitvice Lakes is the largest national park of Croatia and has also been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List, which makes it a...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Croatia 5 years ago
  • Dubrovnik: The Pearl of the Adriatic

    The city of Dubrovnik has been on my wish list for quite some time. Honestly, I did not know a lot about the city, until the series of Game of Thrones were released and caught my interest to read more about it. However, after I saw pictures of it, heard stories from...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Dubrovnik 5 years ago

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