Best istanbul and anatolia holiday

flag-tr Makayin Persim — 1 people follow the author

My memories are very nice trip

Blog posts

  • istanbul Travel and زراعة الشعر , المشافي في اسطنبول

    Have made a very nice wedding last month, and then I did much research for a nice honeymoon vacation and at first thought, and is very expensive to go to spain We chose the second alternative to turkey istanbul and filled with excitement and beautiful and had a 12-day...

    0 , in General 9 years ago
  • Cappadocia Tours, سياحة تركيا , فنادق تركيا

    Cappadocia transportation is done in two ways one hour or 8 hours plane ride, bus ride we arrived in cappadocia. Cappadocia Goreme open air museum we went. There were lots of fairy chimneys and cave people lived here. There are hidden cave churches and people worshiped...

    0 , in General 10 years ago
  • Ephesus and Celsus Libray Sightseeing

    Ephesus is 600 meters long, and that the king had the road on the way to the king's mausoleum has numerous sculptures. firstly made a huge stone temple of Ephesus, which had a main door. King's statue to the left and right had the fountain. love heart sign at the entry...

    0 , in General 10 years ago
  • Troy and Gallipoli Tours in Canakkale, جاناقال

    The ancient city of Troy, and this is a real beauty has a spectacular. Troy is a city which is as old as humanity and is composed of 9 layers and each layer represents a separate civilization and government. In the first layer and the last layer is 90 meters wide, a...

    0 , in General 10 years ago
  • istanbul oldcity sightseeing

    I joined the weekend in Istanbul, Daily Istanbul Tours. Our tour guide istanbul istanbul istanbul history anlattı.istanbul much detail about many civilizations lived. Golden horn from Greece Bzanti I first lived in the region. Istanbul Hippodrome and this is the oldest...

    0 , in General 10 years ago

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