BeautyAntwerpen (Sonia en)

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Todo lo que voy descubriendo de esta preciosa ciudad (en)

Blog posts

  • Carnaval in Köln

    I write to recommend that if you can the next year you go to the Cologne’s Carnival. Cologne is very famous for its carnavals and I have to say that are really fantastics. I have gone this year for first time but I want to repeat. It’s a beauty sensation when you...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Antwerp 13 years ago
  • Spanish Selection sub-17 in Antwerp

    The pre-european sub-17 is en Belgie. The Spanish selection is concentrate in Antwerp, they plays for lideration the group and the clasification opposite England tomorrow 31 of March in Mol. Mol is a city that is 70km to the East of Antwerp. All of this I know because a...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Antwerp 13 years ago
  • In moments like that I want to know Nederlands

    Today whila I was working, has arrived my boss with her children. She has a daughter, Mary(5 years) and a soon Ben (a baby who want walk). In first time I first time I have to expain that I love the children and the times I have tried to speak with Mary, she didn´t...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Antwerp 13 years ago
  • Free lance in België??

    If I try to continue here, my boss said me I'd need to be free lance. Somebody know something about that? I never have done income statement and for me the taxation is a mistery... :S

    0 , in Erasmus blog Antwerp 13 years ago
  • Maybe I continue!!!!!!! :D

    The last week I was speaking with my boss about the posibilitie os continue more time with them. And she said me that in principle there wasn´t any problem. ¡:D! Guauuu! I can´t believe yet but I don´t want to do illusions because If finally I don´t try.....

    0 , in Erasmus blog Antwerp 13 years ago
  • Arrival to Antwerp

    Arrive to Antwerp is not easy! Antwerp Airport has only direct flights to the British Isles. The best is use the airports of Brussels and Charleroi. From Brussels there isn´t problem, there are buses all hours that arrive to the center of Antwerp. Charleroi is where...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Antwerp 13 years ago
  • I start the Nederlands’ Course :D

    Hello guys. I’m a little nervous because today is my first day in a Nederlands course. I have really wanted this course because my boss said me that if I learn Nederlands I have a lot of posibilities to continue here working with them, and in this moment it is the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Antwerp 13 years ago
  • Cycling in the city

    Away with cars and long live publictransport, your legs or the bicycle! Cycling is literally the way forward in the city. the bike is the best way to get around town. You can to rent lemon coloured bikes in a Fietshaven ( Bike Harbour). The fee is 60e for an academic...

    1 , in Erasmus blog Antwerp 14 years ago

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