Batumi. Day 4. Part 3

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 8 years ago

Blog: 2016
Tags: flag-ge Erasmus blog Bat'umi, Bat'umi, Georgia

Batumi. Day 4. Part 3

Eating at Sachashnike

It was hilarious, how they were calling me and explaining where they were and were I should have been. I don’t know the streets of Batumi and they just couldn’t get that. Of course, I had this Google Maps turned on and everything, however it was still difficult for me to understand what they wanted. Well, finally, it turned out that we were at the same place, I mean, we both were on the same street, I was just coming back and they were coming towards me and finally I saw them and they saw me and we met, but until that, it was all mess and I couldn’t really understand what they wanted. I mean, they were telling me that they would probably eat in Retro and I saw it somewhere when I walked on that street, so I knew where it was approximately. And then they changed their minds and decided that they didn’t want to go into Retro and that they would eat somewhere else and that I just had to be at Retro’s so that they would come there, too, and we would meet. Well, I was telling them that I was near there, however then my brother was telling me some things about how I should go to another street that was parallel to it or something like that and we just couldn’t agree on anything, because I knew that I was on that street, where they were walking and they just didn’t believe me, I guess. Maybe that was because I told them that I was near to Retro. Well, I wasn’t at Retro, rather than I was near the sign, which said Retro” and there was this arrow where Retro actually was.

Anyways, finally we met and our friend was all like “I’m really hungry and let’s eat somewhere” and when I asked where they would like to eat, they answered that they didn’t know and I was shocked, because they just wanted to eat something, but didn’t know where. I mean, they had all that time to think about the places, however they couldn’t come up with something yet. Well, I told them that there were some cafes and restaurants on that street where I walked and they looked not that bad, so that we walked towards them and then it was this place where two restaurants were really close to each other and we went in one of them. Turned out, it was called Sachashnike. We went in and it was pretty good, I mean, the environment was not bad and there were some people inside and there were more outside, if you want to know the truth. There were many waitresses and one of them gave us the menus. When I looked in them, the pricing was just alright and they had almost everything in the menu, so that the place was good as a whole, I can say.

Batumi. Day 4. Part 3

Well, our friend said that he wanted some Pelmeni in a pot, Khachapuri, cucumber and tomato salad and some lemonade. I was not that hungry, of course, and I knew, that I couldn’t eat much, so that I told my sister that if she wanted to eat some Acharuli Khachapuri, I would eat it, too, but just some pieces of it and not the whole portion. She wanted to eat Acharuli Khachapuri and so that we agreed to order one. Then they said that they wanted to eat Pelmeni in a pot, too, so that they ordered it and, well, I could taste it, I guess, so my sister was relying on me to eat some of those Pelmeni, too. They also ordered some Coca Cola and, well, you know how it goes, they brought Coca Cola first and they just opened them and drank them and that’s not really good, if you ask me. I mean, they bring you these fizzy drinks first and you drink them and then you just don’t want anything else that you ordered, I guess. Or, another thing, you drink them all while waiting for your food and then you just don’t have any drinks left and then you just want to drink something after eating and then you have to order something to drink, because you’re out of drinks. That’s pretty smart move from the owners of that restaurant or café or whatever.

Batumi. Day 4. Part 3

So, soon they brought us Pelmeni and salad and all the other things step by step and, I must say, they were all delicious. However, Pelmeni had some garlic in the sauce and garlic is not good for my stomach, so that I could just eat some of those Pelmeni and my sister could have the rest of them, however, it tasted good, too. And we cut that Acharuli Khachapuri, too, and it was pretty good. Well, in all, it was not a bad idea to go in that restaurant and I really recommend it if you are nearby that Goodwill or McDonald’s or Javakhishvili street, or if you just want to eat somewhere there. Oh, and, they had wi-fi, too, and they told us the password and, well, everything was just how it is in the 21-st century.

So that dinner cost somewhere about 30 Laris, I guess, and it was not that much, if you want to know the truth, I mean, usually the drinks cost a lot of it, because they each cost 2 Laris or so and when you order for four people or something, that’s already nearly 10 Laris, and even one Acharuli Khachapuri doesn’t cost 10 Laris in many places, and I’m talking about normal size of Acharuli Khachapuri and not the large one, and some places even the large one doesn’t cost 10 Laris, if you want to know the truth.

Anyways, we went out and started walking towards the Boulevard and then to the place where we used to hang out, I mean, that place was somewhere near Sheratoni hotel, of course. There were these people walking around and people sitting in cafes in the Boulevard and there were these statues and figures of some things and I was just looking around and stuff. We were kind of on the other side of Batumi, well, at least, it seemed that way, I guess, for me. People were riding bikes on bicycle pathway and there were roller-bladers, too, who didn’t want to roller-blade on those sideways and would just go through the people walking together and that was not a really good idea, of course, because they could easily crash into somebody, however, they didn’t care about that, I guess, well, at least, until they bumped into someone or something like that. Sooner we were at our place and it was already getting 12 o’clock or something,so that me and my sister decided that we would go home while my brother and our friend would go into one of those clubs and party and stuff, I don’t know. That’s not much of my thing, you know, so they know that and not tell me to go there anymore after explaining that I don’t really like those stuff. 

Batumi. Day 4. Part 3

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