Batumi. Day 3

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 7 years ago

Blog: 2016
Tags: flag-ge Erasmus blog Bat'umi, Bat'umi, Georgia


The introduction

It’s a new day, it’s a new life… so the new day was all sunny and stuff and I woke up pretty early and I saw that the sun was shining and I just wanted to rush to the sea. But I knew that it was raining all night and I wondered whether the water would be warm enough to swim or not. Well, there was just one thing to see that _ go to the beach. However these guys were asleep, I mean, my brother and sister. I just didn’t want to leave them and walk alone to the beach so I waited for any of them to come with me. Then my sister woke up and when I told her that it was sunny outside she got excited, but she was still in bed and wasn’t going to get up, I guess. Well, what could I do? I ate some things and then she got up finally and got ready and we went out.

It was a good sunny day and it seemed like that it would get hotter in the afternoon, but I guess, it would rain afterwards. There were plenty of people on the beach and they were all swimming and getting tanned and stuff like that and we went there, too. There were these two guys on the beach renting lounges or whatever they are and every time someone passed them they asked whether they would like to have one of those lounges. It was really annoying, if you ask me, because if I wanted one, I would just go to them and ask.

Anyways, we were on the beach and I was ready to swim and went to see the water, but it was kind of cold and it needed to be got used to. So I stood there with my feet touching the water and waiting for myself to be ready to get into the water. I don’t know how long I stood there, perhaps 5 or 10 minutes?! Then I took the courage and went in and it was awesome, I must say. The water was good afterwards and I started to swimand all the way here and there and stuff like that.


Eating at Khinkali House

Because of the fact that the sun was shining, my sister decided that she would get a sunburn and wanted to leave early. Besides, she said that she was really hungry and she wanted to eat some Khinkali. Well, to be honest, I didn’t really want to eat Khinkali, if something, I would eat pork shishkabob, but I agreed to eat and so we went home and changed and then we went to this Khinkali House, which was nearby our room. Well, actually, it was in the middle of the beach and our house, so it was on a good place, if you ask me. And the interior was pretty awesome, too, and it was comfortable and they had people inside eating and stuff and they seemed pretty satisfied, so we decided to have something to eat there. The waiter got us menus and I started to look at it and check everything out. First of all, we ordered some Khinkali, of course, and a beer. And I wanted a pork shishkabob, so I ordered one, too, however I didn’t really know what it would be like, because they don’t prepare great shishkabobs in western Georgia. However, here in eastern Georgia and I mean by that mostly Kakheti _ they know how to prepare pork shishkabob! And it’s called Mtsvadi, if you want to know the truth. Mtsvadi is something that Kakhetians love among Khashlama and Khinkali and other things.


Anyways, the prices were reasonable in Khinkali House, I mean, Khinkali cost 70 Tetris and my pork shishkabob was 12 Laris, because it was this lean stuff that I ordered. However, it was a little much, I  guess, because usually I know that Khinkali cost 60 Tetris, but I haven’t eaten Khinkali at a restaurant for quite some time now (we just love to prepare Khinkali at home by ourselves) and so, maybe they have changed the prices, or maybe it was because it was in Batumi and it was called Khinkali House and it was summer and all the tourists were there and eating there and stuff like that. Besides, it was called Khinkali House, so when tourists see the word “Khinkali” they just rush into that place and order some Khinkali. It’s a really good thing, if you want to know the truth. It’s something you can’t say no to. Though I can’t eat many of them, and, you know, there’s no necessity of eating plenty of them. It’s not necessity to eat anything too much, in general. You should know when it’s enough.


Enough is enough! So, soon our Khinkali was brought and it looked pretty good. Well, actually, until it was brought, they brought us beer, of course. This is so wrong, bringing drinks and stuff like that until the food is brought. I just hate when they do that at the restaurants. All in all, they brought that Khinkali and we had the beer, so we started eating. My sister was really hungry and her eyes were wide open when the Khinkali was brought , you know, so everything was just fine and I was just waiting for my Mtsvadi to arrive. Meanwhile our brother called and he and our friend were heading to us, so that he would just give me the keys and go to the beach. Well, we were going to go to the beach, too, but first, we had some business in Magti office, which was nearby on Rustaveli street, so we would just go there and then to the beach. Meanwhile, my pork shishkabob got ready and they brought it. it was a good one, I must say, but it had this pepper or some things sprinkled all over and I just don’t really like that, if you want to know the truth. And it had some lettuce and sliced tomatoes and onions around it. the meat was really good, because that part of pig’s body is really delicious, if you want to know the truth, but those things that were sprinkled over the meat were making it taste like nothing. And that was my Mtsvadi! 


Well, it was still delicious, of course, and we ate those  things. And then my brother and our friend came and though they didn’t really want anything, my brother was hungry I could say and he really loves Mtsvadi, so I suggested it and, well, he ate some of them and he didn’t say that it was bad, so I guess, that Mtsvadi wasn’t bad in all, in fact, the meat was pretty good, if you want to know  the truth. And our friend just bought some water and he drank it and then they wanted to go and rent bikes and ride them in the Boulevard. Well, that was a great idea, I like riding bikes and my sister rides bikes all the time, especially in Germany. Well, she even bought one, so that she would have it for herself. However, we had some things to do and we couldn’t go riding bikes at once and they wanted to go right away, so that we kind of split up in that idea. Besides, it’s not really a great idea to ride a bike when you have just eaten your dinner or lunch or whatever. That’s not very wise, if you ask me, so that we split up and they went to the boulevard, while me and my sister went to Rustaveli to find this Magti office and ask them some questions about my sister’s phone and why her sim card couldn’t operate very well in some moments.


So we went on Rustaveli and then went to the main square, where there are many lovely things, including this statue and a small  maze and this small café called “Pesvebi” which was really beautifully decorated from outside, I mean, there were those paintings and green plants and stuff like that.


Well, to be honest, they didn’t really give us any real clue about my sister’s sim card, so we went there in vain and it was kind of a total bust, so we went to the boulevard, where there were so many flowers on this green grass and they were really beautiful and there was this piano painting colourfuly and looked like new, though it was kind of old, if you ask me, and there was this bench near it and it was just calling people to come and sit and play.


There were some cars and fountains around and, of course, the souvenirs and stuff like that. There were some ice-cream places, also, and I wanted to eat some ice-cream in waffle, so we went there to see what kind of ice-cream they had, though I didn’t really want any of them, because there were just four or five kinds of ice-cream.


So we went on. The other thing was Belgian waffles and there was this huge line and I don’t know how many of them were waiting for this Belgian waffles, but it seemed to me that it needed some time, because this girl, who made the waffles, took a pretty long time to take out just one portion of waffle. Though they said it was really delicious, I couldn’t wait that long, so we went on to the next ice-cream place, where there were much more ice-cream. We thought a little and then I decided to have some chocolate ice-cream with chocolate chips and coffee ice-cream on top of it. it was a Carte D’or ice-creamand it was really, really delicious, if you want to know the truth. These two ice-creams got on very well with each other and it was just irresistible. 


There are also some fountains, as we call them, and you can just go and drink some water if you want. So, remember, if you are in Batumi Boulevard near Pier Batumi, and if you get thirsty, you can just look for those fountains and drink water from them rather than buy some bottled water. You know, when I told about that to my Swiss friend, she was surprised that here in Georgia we had those fountains, where we could drink water from without any trouble. She said, that they didn’t have anything like that in Switzerland.

Well, we went to this Pier Batumi, which is a really great place. I haven’t seen it earlier, I guess, that’s because it didn’t exist when I was there, or perhaps, I hadn’t been on that side of Batumi Boulevard. However, there we were, me and my sister, eating ice-creams and  enjoying our being on that Pier. It was beautifully decorated with some flags and lanterns, I guess, and all the other stuff that you see on Piers. There was this restaurant or café at the end of the Pier Batumi, it was called Iveria, and it was with dark green tables and chairs and stuff like that. It was a really great place for hanging out or eating with friends or family and, at the same time, looking at the sea or the beach or whatever.

There was this “Kamikaze” attraction, too and I didn’t know if they had one in Batumi Boulevard. There were some bungalous and yellow lounges and stuff like that around that beach territory and everything was quite cute, if you ask me. And my sister would agree with me on that, too.

Well, then we walked to the other side, where there were some people gathered around. I didn’t really get what was going on, they were talking about some things, however hadn’t yet mentioned what it was all about. And when we got close, I saw that sign that read “European Championship in Wrestling” and there were contestants and other people around and they were pretty determined to win, of course, and those people were from different countries all over the Europe. They also had some other contestants, who were performing and doing some stuff, some were dancing and some were singing and some were just doing some crazy things. We watched them for some time, and it was not that bad, however, the wrestling was not starting yet and it was really hot out there and we went to somewhere nearby where we could sit and not be under that direct sunlight.

There was some building next to this place and it looked like Forbidden City that they have in Beijing. When I walked close, there was this sign saying that it was a national theatre or something like that. The building was pretty amazing, I haven’t seen it there either, so that I was really glad that I had a chance to see it from outside. Well, we haven’t walked inside of it, though some people were going in and, I guess, there was some sort of event going on there. Of course, we took some pictures, in fact, we took many of them and then slowly got on to the beach side and went on that Boulevard pathway that everyone likes to walk and many people were just hanging out there. It was late afternoon and my sister had this dress on and it got kind of windy and she was like “what if it goes up when the wind blows?!” and she wanted to go and change. Also, she talked to her friends who live in Batumi and one of them studied with her in Germany and the second one would study with her this year, so that they agreed to meet each other in an hour or so, so that we were going to go home and change. Well, it was getting kind of cold and so that she put on some trousers and stuff like that and I just had this long sleeve shirt on, and we went back to the Boulevard, where my brother and our friend were hanging out. It turned out, that my sister’s friends couldn’t make it, so that we could just hang out there in the Boulevard and chill.

Well, after some time it started raining cats and dogs and everyone just ran wherever they could, so that they wouldn’t get all wet and stuff and people were standing under some things, that could protect them from getting wet somehow. It was just hilarious. I thought that the rain would stop shortly, but I was wrong, it was just getting heavier and heavier and didn’t seem to even try and stop, not even a little, so we were standing there under some kind of roof, where it still rained  a little and my sister had this umbrella with her surprisingly and we had it above our heads, however we needed to go home, otherwise we didn’t know when the rain would stop or if it would stop at all. I wasn’t against of staying, however my sister wanted to go home, perhaps she thought that being there would mean catching cold and she was really afraid of it, as she didn’t want  to catch cold and then take some pills and sneeze and cough and stuff like that. And, what’s very interesting is that when the rain started, we had this umbrella on and stuff like that, however some time later my brother and our friend ran into that building, where they were waiting for the event to start and they had those tickets and stuff, as I know, so that they got inside and we  were left there. So, after some time and my sister telling me to go, we slowly moved towards Sheratoni and walked in that rain with an umbrella on our heads. There were people like birds or chickens get together under some thing, when they are cold or when they are going to sleep and it was really funny, though I couldn’t laugh at them, as they were trying to stay dry and, well, maybe they would be like that until the rain stopped or something like that.

So, we went home. It was still raining hard and I had something like sandals on and the water was all over my feet, however, it was not very long until we got home, so I just waited patiently when we got home. I was pretty wet, if you want to know the truth, however, it was not that bad, I mean, I felt like I wouldn’t catch cold or something, because I could just take a little shower and rest, as it was pretty warm inside the room and, besides, summer rain is not that bad, if you ask me. Well, my sister had all those things put on and she had her cell phone and she was surfing the net, I guess, while I turned the TV on and they were showing some interesting stuff, I mean, there was this movie on, I guess, it was some criminal stuff or action, and I watched it a little. Well, then my sister told me that my brother had messaged her asking where we were and that they could get us into that building where they ran into when the rain started. That was hilarious. They had just realized that after that time that we waited in the rain and then went home and took shower and everything! Well, the rain had not stopped by then either, so we were in our room, watching TV and stuff like that until we fell asleep.

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