Batumi. Day 2

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 7 years ago

Blog: 2016
Tags: flag-ge Erasmus blog Bat'umi, Bat'umi, Georgia

Batumi. Day 2

The morning

The morning started really early when I woke up at 6 o’clock or something and it was still kind of raining and it was kind of cold and I closed the windows, and went back to sleep. Then I woke up soon, and I just wanted to go to the beach, but it was rainy outside and I hoped that it would stop raining some time later. So I just decided to drink something. I had this hot chocolate taken with me and I prepared it for myself as my sister  didn’t want it and my brother was still asleep. Soon I noticed that something was missing.  I looked around and didn’t see my potato pies. Then after some time when I looked out of the window  I saw that there were my potato pies on the roof and I wondered how they got there. It was really a mystery, because I didn’t know how could something like that get there. There was nothing that I could think of! We had different versions about it, but nothing was really real, so we just thought that we would ask the owner of the house about it. I was really sad about that, though, because first of all, it was prepared by me and they were really delicious, even my sister loved them and was going to eat them in the morningand now they were gone and we just had those cookies and fruit. Well, no one was really hungry and we could just eat those cookies and we ate them, of course, but still, it was really sad that we didn’t have those potato pies. And we were all intrigued by the fact that those were on the roof somehow that we couldn’t explain that.

Batumi. Day 2

Then my brother went downstairs and there was the owner, too, and they were talking and he told her about potato pies and turned out that cats might have done it, and then we saw cats, too, and they were walking on the roof and I understood that I should not have left that window open and that it was really a cat-job and I hated those cats for it!

Batumi. Day 2

Going to the beach

So, after some time we went to the beach. It was not raining, but it was a cloudy day. Fortunately, it was not cold and the water was okay, too, I mean, it was kind of warm and so that people were swimming and we could swim, too. Well, after some time we went in and swam, if you want to know the truth. It was a good feeling, I haven’t swam in the sea for a couple of months and it’s really different than swimming in a pool or somewhere else. To be honest, I didn’t want to go anywhere, I was just relaxing on the beach and stuff like that. Then my brother and our friend came. This one was once in our group in university and then went to another faculty. He had been there in Batumi since the last examand that was a really long time ago, I mean, he finished his semester in June or something like that and since then he has been in Batumi. And I was really surprised when he said that he hadn’t swam while he was in Batumi and now he was going to go into the sea and it would be his first time swimming in this summer. So he went in and swam a little and then came out and that was all his swimming!

Batumi. Day 2

I knew that my uncle was coming to Batumi, too. Well, it was a surprise, if you want to know the truth, because even he didn’t know that he would have some business in Batumi, and so that he phoned us and told us that and we were really glad that he would be coming to Batumi. So, we were on the beach when he called us and came to us and we talkedand stuff like that and, well, then he had to leave because of the business, but it was good to see him, of course.

Batumi. Day 2

So, that day was the grand opening of this club called Sector 26 and my friend had these tickets for my brother and other people and when he showed them to me, they were so many that I couldn’t resist but to take some pictures of them.

Batumi. Day 2

Eating Shawarmas

Well, everything went great and then it was 2 o’clock or something and it was time to go home, because I knew that I would get sunburn, but then it turned out that it was already late for me to go home, because I already had a sunburn which would show itself later that day. Anyways, we went to home _ me and my sister. And I knew that my brother and my sister wanted to eat some Shawarmas or Doners or whatever they are called and there was this place nearby our room, where they had great Shawarmas and my brother knew that place and we went there. I didn’t want any Shawarmas,because I don’t like them.

Batumi. Day 2

I tasted it once and it was nothing fancy and nothing that I could eat with pleasure. I would probably eat hotdogs rather than Shawarmas, though I don’t really like hotdogs either, if you want to know the truth. So, it was all my brother and sister loving their Shawarmas and I was sitting there thinking what I could eat. Well, I wasn’t really hungry if you want to know the truth, but earlier that day I just wanted to eat some Mtsvadi or pork shishkabob, but then I changed my mind and I didn’t want anything.

Batumi. Day 2

Then I noticed that in front of this Shawarma place there were these chicken pieces being fried and I just love chicken, so I wondered whether they sold those chicken like that or they used it to make chicken Shawarmas, because they had this sign, where it was written that they had chicken Shawarmas, too. They said, that those chicken cost 10 Laris and they would put some fried potatoes and bell peppers and other stuff with it. Then some people came and ordered one of the chickenand I saw how they prepared it and it looked really delicious and I just wanted to buy it, too, but the chicken was too large for just one person at that time and I just sat there looking at them.

Batumi. Day 2

Walking in the city

Well, then we went to the beach again and it was kind of sunny and we thought that we would see some sunset, but we knew, that it’s kind of rare to see the sun actually go into the sea, because when it gets closer to the horizon, the clouds just cover the sun and people can’t see it anymore. There was this one time when I was in Batumi and the sun just went into the sea and it was seen from the beach and it was awesome and I just took many pictures, of course. It was really beautiful. Then something happened. When we were there watching sunset, it started to drizzle and my sister had to go home so we went home and just when we got home it started to rain really bad and I was really glad that we were home, because it was kind of crazy to walk 10 minutes in that rain. So, if you are in Batumi in cloudy weather or something like that, remember to have some umbrella or a coat or something with you, because you never know when it starts to rain, trust me. I wasn’t used to that kind of weather as I live opposite to it, I mean, in the east, where it doesn’t rain that much, so it was all new to me and stuff like that, you know. Then, of course, the rain stopped and it was all like it had never even rained and it was still early to sleep or be at home and we just decided to walk in the streets. What else could someone do? Sit at home? No, thanks! So we went out again. We just walked and walked and we were here and there and saw some stuff and some pretty lovely places that I couldn’t even imagine there would be in Batumi. It was all warm and nice outside and one of the great things in Batumi was that drivers actually stopped when they saw you near this Zebra and let you walk across the street! That was pretty surprising for me, because here in Tbilisi it’s really difficult for people to cross the streets on Zebras, perhaps they cross the streets in those places where there are no Zebras, than on those places where there are actually those Zebras and it’s their right to cross the street there. The drivers want just to be first who cross the street and they don’t want people to get in their way, I guess, or I don’t know . It’s really annoying, because crossing the streets is not easy for people, especially when there’s so much traffic in the cityand there’s no place where you can’t meat cars and stuff like that.

Batumi. Day 2

Well, then we needed some pharmacy shop, because my sister needed some medicine and I googled some of them and one of them was on Baratashvili street and it was kind of nearby, I mean, it showed that it was about 8 minutes walk from our home, so we decided to go there. First of all, we couldn’t find that PSP pharmacy shop anywhere there where it showed that Google Maps and I was really disappointed because of that. Secondly, we didn’t find any pharmacy shops nearby and I was thinking, that if someone was in need of medicine, they would probably die, than find any pharmacy shops to buy some medicine. There are so many pharmacy shops just side to side in Tbilisi, that I anticipated that situation in Batumi, too, but there was nothing like that. There was not even one pharmacy shop, not to mention three or four ones together! So, imagine how it is in Tbilisi! And how it was in Batumi. There are places in Tbilisi that I can exactly name, where there are four pharmacy shops side to side and it’s just ridiculous, but not any of them is worse, if you ask me. When I was in Ommen, the Netherlands, and I asked about any pharmacy shops and it was already 10 o’clock or something like that, they told me that it was closed.So I was really surprised, because I wondered what would someone do if they needed to go to the pharmacy shop at night?! Is not it supposed to be open 24 hours so that if something happens at night and someone needs some medicine, they would go to the shop and buy some stuff. But it the pharmacy shop is closed, they can’t do that. And so, what do they do in that case?! It’s my question that hasn’t been answered yet, or I haven’t asked anyone, so  I don’t know the answer.

Batumi. Day 2

Anyways, sooner or later we found some pharmacy shop called Aversi and we went there and the clerks were just not good, because there were two of them and I was waiting for the second one and she was counting some coins or something like that and turned out that she was having a break or I don’t know, whatever, and she saw me standing right in front of her and didn’t even tell me that and didn’t even mention anything like I should go to another clerk or that she was busy and not to wait for her or something like that and it got me really annoyed. Of course, it would make anyone angry and that kind of behavior is not tolerated, if you ask me. Then some kind woman saw me standing there for some time and that I was trying to figure out whether or not get on the first line and she just let me before her. I just had to buy one thing and I was really thankful for that woman, because waiting for  a long time when you just have to buy one thing is just awful and tiring and annoying, especially when it’s all the clerk’s fault and her stupid behavior. At last, we bought the medicine and went out.

Batumi. Day 2


There was this supermarket just across the street called Foodmart, where we wanted to buy some yoghurt and so we went in. They had this sale or whatever on their food _ from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. you can buy their products just in half price or with 20% sale or something like that. But we didn’t want that food, we just wanted yoghurt, so we took it and saw this big line and we had to get into it and wait for people to go and again, we just had this one thing to buy. Finally we reached the desk and when it was time to pay this guy told us that he couldn’t get that card and I was like “I will just pay with cash, just let me buy this thing and go”and turned out that he said that about this Unicard that I gave him, it is a card where you can collect points with things you buy and then buy some things with those points. So, I told him that I didn’t want him to get that card and I just paid with card and went out.

Batumi. Day 2

There was this girl in the store in that queue and she had this ham in her hands and she bought it and it turned out that she bought this ham for a dog, that was lying outside and looked ill or something like that and when we got out we saw it and then this girl put that ham before the dog and it ate it and was looking pretty good, if you ask me.

Batumi. Day 2

Well then, we had to go home, of course, and we started walking towards those streets, where we came from, or at least, what we remembered where we came from. We walked there and we walked here and went left and went right and then we realized that we came back to that place where we just walked and realized that we weren’t really walking towards our home. We had these Google Maps and stuff like that, but we couldn’t really understand how streets were numbered and we walked and checked the maps and everything and it took us a long time to understand where we should walk to get home. Well, finally we found our streetand went on and went home and everything, but it was a long walk to home, I guess, however kind of exciting and hilarious, too. 

Batumi. Day 2

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