Experience in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Kristin
What is it like to live in Amsterdam? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?
Amsterdam is a wonderful place to live at any time of life: as a student, young professional, adult or with a family. The cost of living is quite high but in exchange for that you receive access to an impeccable infrastructure, transportation system and overall public services. Amsterdam has a vibe that is laid back yet high energy. The city is beautiful with a mix of nature, water, canals, history and modern buildings. It's a very pleasant place to live short or long term. There's also nothing quite like biking through the streets of Amsterdam. I would highly recommend living in Amsterdam to all who can afford it financially.
What is the student lifestyle like in Amsterdam?
I'm not a student anymore but students seem to really enjoy Amsterdam. There are many student services, a young population, international student body and plenty of nightlife.
How much does it cost to live in Amsterdam?
It depends if you're living alone or sharing a flat, or if the property is furnished or unfurnished. Rent for a room can start at €500 per month while rent for a furnished 1br in the Center can be almost €2500-3000 or more during peak months, then there is a range in between. For the best deals, rent unfurnished for long term (1+ years). Food at restaurants can be expensive but grocery stores are average. I would say rent is the most expensive aspect of life in Amsterdam.
Is it difficult to find accommodation in Amsterdam? Is there any advice you can give?
It's very challenging as the market is so competitive. The best advice is to start looking far in advance, use as many sources as possible, submit many inquiries, use an agent and have all the funds and requirements ready to act as soon as possible once you can confirm a space.
What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?
Local food in Amsterdam is not too exciting. There is a lot of dairy, cheese and potato dishes. Fast food is primarily Middle Eastern, french fries or pizza. There is a variety of international food if you're looking and a lot of good Asian food, especially Tibetan. My favorite local dish is pancakes of course.
What places would you recommend visiting in Amsterdam?
The Rijks Museum is a must. My favorite thing to do is bike around the city. ADE is a fun event during the autumn of each year. The outdoor markets are also fun. It's possible to see much of Amsterdam in a short time so see as much as you can.
Is it good to eat out in Amsterdam? Can you tell us your favourite spots?
It's okay, not the best variety or value in the world (eating out in Amsterdam). I like Omelegg and Scandinavian Embassy for brunch.
Is the nightlife good in Amsterdam? Where is good to go?
Nightlife in Amsterdam is amazing if you like bars, clubs and electronic music. There are many hidden gems outside of the major Liedseplein and Dam Square areas. Explore!
What advice would you give future students heading to Amsterdam?
Make sure to go outside whenever the sun is out! Also take advantage of the many food delivery websites.
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