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  • Louisiana Café Rock

    This bar is one of the most famous in the city of Alcalá, given that it has been open for approximately 20 years. It has been partying in the city for a few generations of young people (and not so young people). And the model is so simple that it is impossible for it...

    0 , in Erasmus party Alcalá De Henares, 5 years ago
  • The Green Irish Pub

    If you pass by Alcalá, the place to go after tapas in Calle Mayor is The Green Irish Pub. Want to dance until 6 am? Green. Wanna learn how to dance bachata? Green. Fancy a karaoke night with your friends? Green. Wanna meet people coming from all parts of the World?...

    0 , in Erasmus party Alcalá De Henares, 6 years ago
  • Hanoi House

    Hanoi House es el lugar adonde uno va después del Green. Hanoi es un club que esta localizado encima del mercado al lado de Tommy Mels. La gente que va a Hanoi varea, hay estudiantes pero también hay Alcalainos que quieren disfrutar del "juernes". Hanoi is a little...

    0 , in Erasmus party Alcalá De Henares, 9 years ago

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