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Temple of Aphaia

  - 1 opinions

The sanctuary of Aphaia on Aegina

Published by flag-it Elena Sofia Bianchi — 6 years ago

Aegina is a small island not far from Athens, well known for its production of pistachios, so if you pass through, catch the opportunity to taste their pistachios liquor! 

The sanctuary of Aphaia on Aegina

The temple is simply wonderful, and the majority of the structure has been well preserved. 

The sanctuary of Aphaia on Aegina

Some of the rests are kept in a small museum in the same site of the temple.

The sanctuary of Aphaia on Aegina

As Roman girl, I am used to walk aroud ruins, but these sort of sites always leave me astonished.. It is ubelievable to imagine that this sanctuary has been built almost  500 years before Christ, and it is still there now!

The sanctuary of Aphaia on Aegina

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