Forum entries by Bruno
Erasmus Pardubice 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi, i'm from Portugal and i will go to Pardubice in Setbember
por Bruno en Erasmus forum Pardubice -
Erasmus Ljubljana 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hi everyone, i'll go to Ljubljana in 1ºSemester 2012/2013. I really need to find a flat before going, if someone is in a flat or have the contact of someone that rent a flat please send me a message.Thank you.
por Bruno en Erasmus forum Ljubljana -
Erasmus Ljubljana 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi everyone, if someone want to share a flat please send me a message.We are 3 persons (2 of them will share the same room), but we need to find a flat before October.
por Bruno en Erasmus forum Ljubljana -
Erasmus Ljubljana 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi adrian, i am searching also for a flat for me and my girlfriend (same room), and for a frend.
por Bruno en Erasmus forum Ljubljana -
Erasmus Ljubljana 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi Naim, My girlfriend goes to the faculty of economics also :D I am also searching a flat for 3 persons (until now, maybe more later). One room for me and my gf, and a room for another boy, we think a flat is more expensive but also is more great to do what we want...
por Bruno en Erasmus forum Ljubljana -
Erasmus Ljubljana 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi ! i'm portuguese, me and some friends are going the first Semester!
por Bruno en Erasmus forum Ljubljana