Aktivität von Inês
Experience in Barcelona, Spain by Inês
What is it like to live in Barcelona? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Barcelona is one of the most beautiful cities I know. The people are very kind and if you don't speak spanish they will normally speak english or do their best to understand...
Experience in Coimbra, Portugal by Inês
What is it like to live in Coimbra? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? First of all, Coimbra, my hometown, is one of the safest cities I know. Of course you should always keep an eye on your things but nothing compared to some other big cities. There are a...
Park Güell
Barcelona é um lugar agradável para viajar. Podes-te perder e não te queixar por isso, apanhar um bronzeado numa linda praia, admirar artefactos históricos e arte tanto em galerias como nas ruas da cidade e se gostarías de ter tudo, o parque Gaudi oferece-te uma...