Valeryia Zentchenko

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flag-by Belarus

flag-by Valeryia Zentchenko

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Valeryia activity

  • Blog


    I can say that finding a really good accommodation could be crucial for your Erasmus. Trust me, I know what do I say:) I was very-very unlucky as I was feeling cheated from the very beginning. Looking for a flat I did not know how to start looking for a flat in a...

    0 por Valeryia en General
  • Blog

    1 year before Erasmus

    So first of all let me introduce myself a little bit. My name is Valeryia and I am 20 years old. I was born in Minsk, Belarus. Currently living and studying at the SWPS University in Warsaw, Poland. From January till June 2015 I was living and studying at the...

    0 por Valeryia en General

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