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Erasmus blog Santiago de Compostela

  • As Cancelas Shopping Center

    When it’s raining in Santiago one of the main places to spend your free time could be the new shopping center "As Cancelas". It is brand new with more than 50, 800 square meters that are distributed throughout three floors and two underground parking areas. It's in a...

    0 , 5 years ago
  • My exchange in santiago de compostela

    Santiago the city of pilgrimage was the speritual discovery . A charming place with a great history and a fascinating university where I spent six months of unforgettable moments. I was lucky enough to get a wonderful opportunity in this city which shapes an amalgam of...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Santiago: advice about the rain, uni life and... partying!

    Hi again! Today I'm going to talk to you guys about the capital of Galicia: Santiago de Compostela. In this post I will touch on: the weather (with advice), the night scene, university life, and an average afternoon in Santiago. Let's get started! Let's begin with the...

    0 , 7 years ago

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