Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

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  • Looking for share accomodation in Nagoya

    I am looking for accomodation for 3 months in Nagoya for an exchange that I will be doing in NUCB. Anyone is wellcome, my period strats in September and finishes in December. I want to share the apartment so the stay can be more affordable for me and the person I share...

    6 years ago
  • Looking for a cool flatsharing 2017/2018

    Hello, I am a French business student of 22yo and I am going to study one year in Nagoya (september 2017- June 2018) : I am looking for a cool flatsharing. I am specially looking for international roommates or Japanese students. I speak french, english, spanish, German...

    6 years ago
  • 25 years old young man looking for a roommate to share an appartment in Nagoya

    Hello, My Name is Ahmed, a 24 years old young architecture student, got recently my thesis with an excellent mark, got accepted for an intership of 3 monthes at kotaro horiuchi architects in Nagoya/Japan starting Octeber,1st until December,31st. Looking for a roommate...

    10 years ago

Roommate in Nagoya in other languages:

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