Erasmus Castelo Branco
Hello, I'm Madhav. I'm aslo looking for a flat in castelo Braco for the upcoming semester 2022-23. I'll be studing designing at IPCB. If you are looking for a flatmate, let me know.
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2022 / 2023 (English)
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Castelo Branco 2022 / 2023! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Castelo Branco in 2022 / 2023 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce...
23 Years Old - Student looking for Accomodation in Castelo Branco
Hi everyone! I'm Virginia, a 23 year old Primary Education Science student looking for an accommodation in Castelo Branco. I'm coming in Portugal for Erasmus in the spring semester in February. I am a friendly and helpful person, do not hesitate to contact me if you...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 3 years ago -
Boy 22 years old looking for accommodation near ETSI
Hi!! I will study in ETSI and i'm looking for accommodation near the campus. I would like to share room with also people in erasmus or studying in ETSI. I dont want to spend more than 400€ a moth in the accommodation, and i can share the house with boys and girls.
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 3 years ago -
Hello! I'm Manolya, 22 years old!
Hello! I I'm Manolya . 22 years old. As part of the Erasmus exchange program, I will study Sports Science at the Ipcb in the fall semester. I am looking for any kind of accommodation (preferably dormitories). I respect personal boundaries (I expect the same) I'm a calm...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 3 years ago -
21 year old girl,studying Interior Architecture, looking for accommodation in Castelo Branco.
Hi! I am Aslıhan. As part of the Erasmus exchange program, I will be studying interior architecture at the IPCB in the spring semester.I am looking for an any type of accommodation (preferably dorms).I am respectful to the personal boundaries (expect the same) and an...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 4 years ago -
I'm a 23 year old guy , coming to Castelo Branco for Erasmus+ mobility,looking for a accommodation or a roommate
23 year old guy, doing Erasmus+ mobility in Road construction for the spring semester from 10th February to 31. Of July , looking for accommodation , I play guitar and will be bringing one haha. I am generally an outgoing person , up for any kind of fun and social...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 4 years ago -
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2021 / 2022 (English)
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Castelo Branco 2021 / 2022! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Castelo Branco in 2021 / 2022 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce...
Looking for accommodation in Castelo Branco
We are 3 greek girls looking for accommodation in Castelo Branco. We are nursing students and we will stay from 20th of May until 22nd of July so as to complete our traineeship at Amato Lusitano Hospital. Maximum budget 200euros including the bills. We are open at any...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 5 years ago -
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2020 / 2021 (English)
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Castelo Branco 2020 / 2021! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Castelo Branco in 2020 / 2021 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce...
Me and a friend looking for acommodation in Castelo Branco
We are looking for a flat or room for two. Our budged maximum 200 with bills. Its our first choice that the house is close to the Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas. We are Turkish and we can just talk Turkish and English.We're arriving to Portugal at 12th of February...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 5 years ago -
22 year old boy looking for accommodation in Castelo Branco
I am a 22 year old boy coming to castelo branco for studies.My university name is IPCB. i have an interest in arts, music and architecture. I want a roommate with a similar interest and someone who can give me company in travelling. I love to explore good food, go...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 5 years ago -
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2019 / 2020 (English)
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Castelo Branco 2019 / 2020! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Castelo Branco in 2019 / 2020 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce...
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2018 / 2019 (English)
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Castelo Branco 2018 / 2019! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Castelo Branco in 2018 / 2019 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce...
Couple looking for acommodation in Castelo Branco
Me and my boifriend are going on Erasmus to Castelo Branco and we are looking for acommodations. We are form Poland. We would like to find an apartament T1 or studio. We're arriving to Portugal at 12th of February and we will stay there until the end of the July. We...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 7 years ago -
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2017 / 2018 (English)
I'll be in Castelo Branco for Spring Semester, February to June 2018. Contact me if you're gonna be there.
23 year old girl looking for accomodation in Castelo Branco
Hi, I'm Olatz, a Design student from Bilbao, Spain. On February, I'll be studying at the IPCB Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas. I'm a cheerful, dynamic and adventurous person. I'm looking for a shared apartament preferably, near the university. If you're looking...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 7 years ago -
2 people, Castelo Branco
For just 2 months accomondation!!!! We're looking for a cheap apartment or room..... Only in Castelo Branco, not in District. We do not have problem if it is not a non smokers. We would like the apartment or the room to be furnished and equipted. Also, to have a parking...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 7 years ago -
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2017/2018
Hello Alex I wiil be there next year 2017-2018. Wait us Castelo branco !!
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2017 / 2018 (English)
Let me know if you are going to Castelo! I'll be there next year too!
por Alex en Erasmus forum Castelo Branco -
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2017/2018
Buenas, busco a gente que vaya de Erasmus a Castelo Branco para el curso 2017/2018. Contacta conmigo si estás el año que viene en Castelo!! Hey, any English speaking students going to Castelo next year? If you are, contact me! It would be awesome if...
por Alex en Erasmus forum Castelo Branco -
Hello, I will go to Castelo Branco in 2017-2018 for Erasmus but I have some worries. Is money who to be grant for Erasmus enough ? I want to tour Lisbon, Porto, Madrid ... Is grant enough to supply my needs and travel ? Besides are you enlighten please about...
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2017 / 2018 (English)
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Castelo Branco 2017 / 2018! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Castelo Branco in 2017 / 2018 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce...
21 year old girl looking for a roomate in Portugal, Castelo Branco
Hello! My name is Meropi and im from the beautiful country of Greece. Im a 21 year old nurse student and i have been selected to attend this spring semester (2016), as an Erasmus student, at the ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE SAÚDE DR LOPES DIAS. Im looking for a place to rent, an...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 9 years ago -
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2016 / 2017 (English)
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Castelo Branco 2016 / 2017! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Castelo Branco in 2016 / 2017 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce...
New photos in Castelo Branco
gallery updated, 9 years ago -
23 years old, quiet, clean and extrovertide. Looking for accommodation in Castelo Branco
Hi, I'm from The Canary Islands. I'm native spanish and speak english, portuguese and a bit of japanesse and chinesse. I'm a quiet person that loves spend time alone as much as going out with my mates. I'm a clean person and I also i'm a nice cooker. I'm looking for a...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 9 years ago -
I am searching for a flat in Castelo Branco :)
Hello! I am a student going to Castelo Branco on Erasmus from september till january and I am looking for a flat. I dont mind if there is one more student and I have to share the flat :) But I prefer to have my own room so that's the main reason I am searching for a...
in Roommates Castelo Branco, 9 years ago -
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2015 / 2016 (English)
Hello :) My name is Aga, I will be in Castelo Branco in the spring semester.
Um anho atras
One year ago i started my erasmus life. I started making a portuguese lessons, was free. There i knew some of my friends during my erasmus time. Was so nice i learnes a lot of portuguese. And we really make good friendly. Was so nice
Erasmus Castelo Branco
Ke pasa rakellll! dónde andasssssss, ya estás en castelo branco? soy torren el amigo de xavi y electrónico de tu carrera!
Erasmus Castelo Branco
Holaa, io tb estoi jodida nen! Sabeis lo k podemos hacer, mira. Os doi mi e-mail i hablamos, ok? i así hablamos de pisos i toda la historia. Tengo algunos contactos de pisos que me ha dado la gente de la uni de allí, si hablamos x mail os digo komo va la historia, es...
Erasmus Castelo Branco
Hola! yo también voy en septiembre a Castelo al IPCB (5 meses). Al igual q vosotros necesito alojamiento y compañeros, estaría interesada en compartir piso con vosotras, pero no tengo ninguna información, ni teléfonos. Si estáis interesadas comentármelo,...
Erasmus Castelo Branco
Hola a todos, yo también me voy a castelo el año que viene. Como lleváis el tema de piso? porque yo ando jodido
Erasmus Castelo Branco
Hola Monica, Soy de barcelona, e iré este septimebre a Castelo Branco para 5 meses, Tambien en el IPCB. Cómo tu ando perdida y no tengo nada todavía, necesito alojamiento i con quien compartirlo para que salga más barato. Te dejo mi e-mail por si podemos hacer algo...
Se busca compañeras de piso en Castelo
Hola te pongo mi msn y x ahi hablamos mejor vale? XD
Se busca compañeras de piso en Castelo
Hola Laura! Yo estoy buscando piso en Castelo. Pensaba ir en Septiembre a buscar porque empiezo el curso en Octubre. Si me puedes contar un poco como es el piso, lo que tiene y las condiciones;) Un abrazo!
Prices in Castelo Branco (Portugal) / Life costs
How much were you paying for rent in Castelo Branco? How much were you spending on transportation, food and leisure? Indicate below whole payments for living in Castelo Branco, and comment everything else.
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2011-2012
Welcome to Erasmus Castelo Branco 2011-2012! Use this wall to be in contact with your friends and meet new people that you haven't met during your exchange experience. You'll be able to keep the contact with each other, remember your experiences and all the anecdotes...
Erasmus Castelo Branco 2010-2011
Welcome to Erasmus Castelo Branco 2010-2011! Use this wall to be in contact with your friends and meet new people that you haven't met during your exchange experience. You'll be able to keep the contact with each other, remember your experiences and all the anecdotes...