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Nino kullanıcısının aktiviteleri

  • Blog

    One-day tour in Slovakia

    Author: Nino Papashvili Story: one-day in Slovakia Time: 18:08 I'm really determined to continue typing and typing here :) I really enjoy being here:) I'm practicing my english, fingers' flexibility, brain-storming and creative ideas :)  This is my mix of benefits...

  • Blog

    Youngsters' Paradise- Be on Erasmus

    Hello, Hope, you.... yes, yes !!! you.. Reader!!! I'm talking to you.. feel okay? I'm good today and decided to publish this post and tell you the general stories what is Erasmus itself :) E- Early morning- go to university R- Running and jogging just for...

  • Blog

    Buda and Pest - Full of Magyars

    Buda is Buda, Pest is Pest... =)))) Let's make up a story of one of the most beautiful cities of Europe....  Budapest ------ Buda and Pest F o LL o W me.... :)  Once upon a time we (Georgians, Portuguese and Romanian Guy) had a gathering in Marius's room numbered 741...

  • Blog

    Praha, Prague, პრაღა- The city in the heart of Europe:)

    No headings, just stories :) Visit N1 ))))) Congress Building, British Council and Konevova Str. :)  I don't know how to start telling my short-term stories in Prague :)  Okay... Let's start... Sadness from the beginning (: So, I'm ready for a trip and all the...

    0 por Nino en Genel
  • Deneyim

    Discovering German Speaking City during World's Coldest Season

    Once upon a time, when found out that to Student Agency Busses go to Vienna with its affordable prices, me and my Georgians( Oto and Mariam) decided to visit Vienna and we didn't regret this trip at all.. But weather made us frozen.... ::::::ZZZZZ Every part of our...

  • Blog

    If you want to know what is Pasta, go to Erasmus....

    Welllll, Pasta....In Georgian language which is a kind of slang from Russian it means pen, we use it for writing which is full of ink.... :))) but if you're on Erasmus.. This is a completely different thing.... ????????? What's that????  This is Pasta.... in Turkish...

    0 por Nino en Erasmus tarifleri
  • Mekan

    Two Faces Club

    What place? Two Faces Music Club When? Every Tuesdays, Thursdays, at the weekends Where? In Brno, CZ. What you can do there and see at all? Do whatever you want. Dancing. Clubbing. Smoking. Drinking. Beer. Vodka. Tequila. Drugs. House music. A lot of hot girls(not...

  • Mekan

    Yacht Club

    Don’t leave Brno city without visiting this place. There are many Erasmus Parties, a lot of beer, international people, locals and all crazy people together. One memorable day: When there was a kind of exhibition-selling of the Erasmus T-shirts. Everyone bought it...

  • Blog

    Always Dark-Gray Days but Unforgettable

    HEEEEYY World. Let's come in to the woods and go to the hell with me. Everything started in February 8th of 2016... One day I decided to buy tickets and moved to the new world of all time. This world is not a planet Earth, this is another completely different land...

    0 por Nino en Erasmus blog BUT

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