Alba Albuska

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Alba kullanıcısının aktiviteleri

  • Deneyim

    Erasmus Experience in Sundsvall, Sweden by Alba

    Why did you choose to go to Sundsvall, Sweden? Because I wanted to live in a northern country and specially this city is quite near to Lapland where I really wanted to go. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? My...

  • Forum

    looking for roommates in Riga

    For how long are you staying in Riga? For me it's only 3 months more or less. Write me a pm so we can talk better! Alba Albuška

  • Forum

    looking for roommates in Riga

    Ciao Filippo! Did you just find something or somewhere to live? I'm still looking for a place to stay also from Sept till Dec. I'm quite lost about where and how to search for a trustable and cheap place How about you??

  • Deneyim

    Experience in León, Spain of Raquel

    What do you think about León for living? Do you recommend it? How is it? León is a good city for living if you like tranquility, it's a small city but very lively. I totally recommend it. How is the student's atmosphere in León? León has a good student's atmosphere,...

  • Deneyim

    Estudiar en León

    Si estás pensando en una ciudad para estudiar y vivir de forma asequible, León es una de las mejores ciudades.  La ciudad tiene un casco antiguo precioso, la Catedral, San Isidoro, Santo Domingo, la Plaza del Grano... Piérdete por las calles y encontrarás lugares...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Sundsvall 2017 / 2018 (Español)

    Para aquellos que estén pensando donde alojarse, les recomiendo que sea Nacksta (con la compañía Mitthem). La mayoría de los estudiantes internacionales y algunos suecos y suecas viven aquí. Con lo que es más fácil poder quedar, ir juntos a los sitios... sobre...

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