Attività di daniele
Experience in Leuven, Belgium by daniele
What is it like to live in Lovanio? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Leuven is an amazing city! It's a small city with a lot of erasmus students coming from over the world. Oude Markt that is the main square is the best place for the nightlifeWhat is...
I'm looking for a single room just for two months
Hi, I'm Daniele from Bologna (Italy) and I'm looking for a single room (it can be shared house) in Leuven just for two months (from April to May). I'm going to do a short internship in IMEC. I'm a PhD. student in electronic. I am friendly and I really like to meet...
in Coinquilini Lovanio, 12 anni fa -
Erasmus Bologna 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi guys, I'm Daniele an italian PhD student who has just concluded his Leonardo da Vinci project in Leuven (very close to Bruxelles) a beatiful erasmus belgium city! Now I'm in Bologna and I really would like to meet students from other countries to share Bologna...
por daniele en Forum Erasmus Bologna