Rita &
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey Irmina, here's another Pharma student also going in late February :) Are you doing a lab placement or will you actually be taking subjects? Either way, I look forward to seeing you there!
Irmina Włodarczyk
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi Rita, nice to meet you! ;)
I got information from my coordinator that "I am sorry to inform you that with respect to do research activities, within the Erasmus Project students cannot attend research laboratories. This is due in respect of security and health insurance rules."
Do you know anything about it? Maybe you have some idea how to skip these rules?
For this moment me and Karolina are going to choose as courses Cognitive Neuropsychology and Toxicological Analysis :).
Saluti! ;)
Irmina Włodarczyk
Scritto 12 anni fa
And- maybe we could start searching for some nice accomodation together? If you are interested, find me on facebook ;).
carmine savoia
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everyone:) i'm Carmine i'm an Italian student and I live in bologna.If you need a single room from February 2013 I'm here.
for more information find me on Facebook(I got the same profile picture)
Sarita Ager
Scritto 12 anni fa
Ciao! Hope this article might be helpful for anyone beginning to look for accommodation in Bologna this year.
Sarita Ager
Scritto 12 anni fa
30 Ways to Say "Turtle" and Other Unexpected Things You Might Learn While Studying in Bologna
Hopefully this article will give you a flavour for life in Bologna as an Erasmus student.
Rita &
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey guys, sorry that my reply is so late but for some reason I wasn't getting any alerts from this thread.
Irmina, my placement is actually a research one (in Analytical Chemistry), so I guess there must be different rules. I'll only be in Bologna for three months and won't be taking any subjects (I'm through with Toxicology, thank you very much!). The girl from my faculty who was there this year ended up working at a hospital, doing something pharmacokinetics-related... And I have no info at all from Unibo or my coordinator yet D:
I don't have FB, but we can chat more through PM :)
Meri Harismendy
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everyone! My name is Maria aswell! I am from Argentina and will be staying from february till end of august in Bologna!
Currently I study Sociology and I have to admit it is my passion!
I am looking for someone to share a flat with..maybe 2 or 3..the more we are, the better!
As regards my personality I am very easy going, I love to meet new people and travel...and the most important: I am organized and a very good roomate!
Important fact: I dont speak italian YET!
If you would like to know more about me please contact me on facebook Meri Harismendy!
pd: joao, ida and some more: tried to look for you on fbook but wasnt able to find you!
Carole Esc
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everybody !
I'm Carole, from Paris. I will be in Bologna from february still the end of june ! I have take a room in dormitory of Studentato San Vitale.
If you have a room in the dormitory too or just if you want to speak with me, you can add me on facebook : Carole Esc
Bye ! And see you soon in Bologna ! :)
sara mohebbi
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everbody :)
I have a big & beautiful single room close to Giardino Gamberini in area Murri and want to rent it For 6 months or less from January.(320euro) Home has two other rooms occupied by 2 girls.Opposite the house there is a bus stop and shops(coop0-conad-tabbacheria-...).
Ask me if you would need more Information :)
Rita &
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi guys,
Maybe some of you, like me, got a PM from someone named Daniel Pangnarind offering rooms in Bologna. It's a scam, don't give him any money! With a bit of Google-fu I found that some photos of his presumed flat are in fact of rental flats around the world.
I was already suspicious, but everything was confirmed when I looked up his name and several threads here at Erasmusu came up with the information that he's a scammer.
Hope this helps!
Meri Harismendy
Scritto 12 anni fa
rita I just sent him an e mail! (clearly before seeing this)
Thanks for the information!
Sara I just saw your post, Im interested! would you mind telling me more??
Last but not least...is there any one in Bolgna noww??? is it very cold?
Imogen Spector
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi, I'm Imogen and I'm an erasmus student from London. I'm arriving in Bologna next week to study for a semester, also looking for accommodation! Feel free to add me on fb/send a pm!
Meri Harismendy
Scritto 12 anni fa
is there anyone in Bologna?????
I just arrived, im lookinf forward to meeting you!
Paulina Sliwka
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi :)
I am from Poland, Wrocław. I would like to get in touch with you in order to take adventure of studyng here! If u want to travel around the Italy using couch-serfing, come on;) Let's do it together.
Best Regards
daniele giaffreda
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi guys,
I'm Daniele an italian PhD student who has just concluded his Leonardo da Vinci project
in Leuven (very close to Bruxelles) a beatiful erasmus belgium city!
Now I'm in Bologna and I really would like to meet students from other countries to share
Bologna talking in English! I want to keep on what I felt in Belgium and I really want to improve my english!
Enjoying Bologna from another point of view should be the best way for me and for you!
I'm looking forward to hear you!
Best regards
Inma Villafranca
Scritto 11 anni fa
Hi! Im going to go to Bologna in September 2013! I need a room! anybody studies History?
Abdus Samad
Scritto 11 anni fa
hello to all of my buddies,
i am admitted in URV Tarragona Spain and i will come in september 2013,i need accomodation,is there any body who would like to let me inform about the conditions in tarragona regarding student jobs and monthly expenses,
waiting for your kind responses,
Thanks Alot