Laura Morice
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everybody!
I'm Laura, I'm French and I'll be in Bologna from september 2012! I'm looking for rooms or apartments in the center of city. If someone rent a room, please contact me! I'll arrive in August to visit some apartments ;)
Non vedo l'ora di andare a Bolognaaa :)
Juan lópez
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi! I am an Spanish student and I will be studying in Bolonia the whole next year. I am looking for foreign students to share an apartment with. If anybody is interested contact please.
Copper Copperone
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi!! Im a Spanish student and i'll be studying in the engineering faculty of Bologna from September 2012 to June 2013. I want to share a flat with foreign people to improve my english or italian and learn other cultures or languages! I think the perfect flat would be near the city center and university. I'm really mad about sports like snowboard, soccer, paddle, tenis... I also want to travel around Italy and Europe! Party is very important in a Erasmus life too... Don't think so?
If there's anybody with my interests please contact me!
My facebook is:
Copper Copperone
I'm sure we will find a good apartment! :)
Kathi Smile
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey guys,
I´ll be in Bologna from September onwards for one term as well - The German for this crew here ;)
Did anyone of you have to apply online and if so - where did u do it? Unfortunately I´m too stupid to find the link....
Thanks for your support,
Jeremy Cauderlier
Scritto 12 anni fa
hi there!
My name is Jeremy, I come from France, and I am going to study in Bologna next year!
I am looking for roomate to share a flat, if someone want to be, just tell me!
Thanks and see you soon
elena Garcia
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everyone!
I'm Elena and i'll be studying in Bologna during the second semester (from January to June) next year!
I study English and Spanish philology here in Barcelona so would be great having international roomates to practice English with. If anyone is interested contact me please (: and if you have any doubt conctact me too and i'll see if I can help you!
Have a good time and keep in touch (:
Jose Rodríguez
Scritto 12 anni fa
I´m Jose, and i´ll be studing in Bologna during the next year to do my end of degree project.
I Study Engineering in Vigo and it would be great having international roomates to improve my English or learn any other language. If anyone is interested please contact me!
Thanks and see you soon!
Monika Dudziak
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey guys!! :) Maybe it's a little bit out of topic but still!! :) I will be doing my Comenius (so not Erasmus anymore:() but I will be in Bologna since the second week od september! I am a very nice person:P haha just graduated and I will be for sure looking for a cheap room in Bologna, so if you find sth and you need a flatmate let me know ! :) I will be also looking! I can party I can learn generally good attitude! See you there guys!!! :D CANT Wait
oscar abel
Scritto 12 anni fa
Monika, how many mounth did you need the appartment? What did you study?
I have nice flat , shiny and comfortable, composed by three single room , two bathrooms, big kitchen and corridor.
Write me if you need photo
Federico Tringali
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everybody, i have two rooms (1 single-room and 1 double-room) available from the 1st of August. Let me know if you're interest in.
Amandine Piron
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hello Guys !
I'm Amandine, and i'll be studing in Bologna next year (september to june). I'm from France, and I'm looking for rooms or apartments in the city, just like you :).
If someone knows a good web to begin research, I need it ! ^^ :)
Thanks, and see you soon.
Bye !
Linda Pizzoli
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi amadine: here's to you some good web sites:
however, if u have some time and money, the best way to find a cheap room is in loco..
take a look also on facebook, 'cause I think there are Bologna erasmus groups or stuff like that..
Amandine Piron
Scritto 12 anni fa
Thank you very much!
I think of going to Bologna during summer to look really.
And yes, there are many groups on FB!
Bye! :)
ipek ari
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi Malia and others:)
My name is İpek,i will study at environmental engineer on first term.
could you find any accomodation?If you find sth I am in:))We need to organize all together
Jose Rodríguez
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi I´m Jose!
I will go to Bologna from 10th to 15th August to find accomodation! Is anybody there at that days?? I would like to live with people from diferent countries! If anyone is interested please contact me!
Ugo Russo
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hello everybody !
I am a french student and I will be in Bologna next year.
I am looking for a nice place in the historic centre, but I am especially looking for italian and foreign roommates ; I would really like to learn new languages and to know new cultures.
I am a musician and am also looking forward to playing with people in Bologna
Feel free to contact me !
Margarida Ponce
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi, I'm from Lisboa, Portugal and I will go to Bologna in February for the whole second semester.
If you are going in the same months please let me know.
Elena Alina
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hello people!
I'm Elena,I'm currently studying at the Academy of Economics,Bucharest,Romania and I will be in Bolognia from September 2012 until July 2013 studying Business and Economics.
If anyone has any info about accommodation, courses, I'm all ears :D
Keep in touch and see you there!
Larry Bartleet
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey everyone,
I'm Larry, I'm studying Classics at Durham University and I'll be in Bologna from the end of August 2012 to June 2013, doing a mix of classes from the departments of 'Lettere e Filosofia' and 'Lingue e Letterature Straniere'.
I'm hoping to get on the CILTA Italian course in September, but I'm not sure how to do it.. does anyone know?
I'm also looking for a flat - has anyone been using the Bussola ( website? I'm looking for somewhere in the centre with speakers of other languages - ideally with Italians, or with French/Spanish speakers - to practice my languages. I'd be happy to help people with English. Contact me if you're interested!
Mizanur Rahman
Scritto 12 anni fa
This is Mizan from Bangladesh. I m going to start my Ph.D. in LAST-JD program from 1st October at UNIBO. Is anyone here from LAST-JD prgroam?