Actividad de Valerie
Palermo 23-24
Hi, I'm Valerie from Dublin and I'm gong to Palermo. I tried to set up a WA link but this system won't let me share it. No doubt we will all meet when term starts. I'm a mature student but young at hear! Is anyone doing Art sculpture?? Valerie Io parlo solo...
por Valerie en Foro Erasmus Palermo -
Palermo 23-24
Please send me the link to the wazzapp group?
por Valerie en Foro Erasmus Palermo -
Palermo 23-24
And do you know if we have to take a test in Italian language?
por Valerie en Foro Erasmus Palermo -
Palermo 23-24
Hi! Is anyone here going to Academia di Belle Arti? Valerie
por Valerie en Foro Erasmus Palermo