Toni Meier
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Actividad de Toni
Erasmus Istanbul 2013 / 2014 (English)
Thank you Land Lady and Mlys aki for answers. I´ve already booked my flight and everything, so I´ll defintely go and I hope that until September everyhting is a little bit more quiet then :-) Maybe we see us in September??:-) Antonoia
por Toni en Foro Erasmus Estambul -
Erasmus Istanbul 2013 / 2014 (English)
Hey guys, I have a question to all those who already live in Istanbul or in Turkey? What do you think about the situation in Istanbul? Do you think it could be dangerous to go there or that there will be any difficulties? I´d be very glad if you tell me what you do...
por Toni en Foro Erasmus Estambul -
Erasmus Istanbul 2013 / 2014 (English)
Tank you so much Laura. In one document it is said that you have to send the application to your home HEI (Higher Education Institution). Do you know if they mean my HEI here in Germany or do I have to send it to the HEI in Istanbul? It´s so complicated everything...
por Toni en Foro Erasmus Estambul -
Erasmus Istanbul 2013 / 2014 (English)
By the way, does anybody know about the EILC (the Intensive Language courses)? Do they offer one? And do they offer also one for those who already had a language course in their home country? And from when to when will it take place and how do I apply? Sorry, so many...
por Toni en Foro Erasmus Estambul -
Erasmus Estambul 2013 / 2014 (Español)
Hola, no soy de Espana, pero hablo un poco de espanol igual. Yo tambien Me voy en septiembre por un semstre a Istanbul. Me gustaría conocer a gente q tambien vaya. Alguien de ustedes que vaya a Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa, the department of medicine? Saludos,...
por Toni en Foro Erasmus Estambul -
Erasmus Istanbul 2013 / 2014 (English)
Hey Sara, im going to Cerrahpasa as well. But I´m going in September already. Why do you go in October first? Courses of which year will you pass? I´d really love to saty in contact, so maybe we can help each other a little bit concerning the election of courses and...
por Toni en Foro Erasmus Estambul