Joanna Ptak
Escrito hace 11 años
It won't be sth new, but well - I'm looking forward to see all of you in Istanbul during winter semester! My name is Joanna, but feel free to call me Asia (long story, it's quite complicated with polish names...) and as I've just mentioned, I'm from Poland - I'm studying law at Jagiellonian University. My erasmus destination is Istanbul University. Any information or advice about accommodation would be really helpful!
If you want, add me on facebook
see you!!! :)
Quentin Guillaume
Escrito hace 11 años
Hey everyone !
I'm Quentin, I'm studying economics in France. I'll spend the next academic year at Istanbul Technical University. Here is my facebook, feel free to add if you want
I hope to meet you over there ! :p
Andrea Cattarino
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi everyone!
Amazing this forum!
I'm Andrea and for three months (April -may - june) I make the erasmus placement in a architecture studio in Betoglu - Istanbul. I'm already in Istanbul to search for a flat to share with other students from everywhere.
If someone knows shared flats finding for a male flatmate,don't esitate to contact me (here or on facebook)!!!
facebook: Andrea Cattarino
please help me!Thanks
Higinio Vargas
Escrito hace 11 años
heey!! I´m Higinio from Spain. I´ll be in Bogazici University to study economics!! I would like meet people =)
My facebook is:
Maud Benoit
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi everybody! I'm a twenty-one year old French girl. I'll be in Istanbul from September 2013 to June 2014 thanks to the Erasmus program. I'm gonna study at Galatasaray University. Anyone else will be there? Can't wait to meet some of you.
You can find me here:
Lulu Hughes
Escrito hace 11 años
Hey everyone! My name is Lindsey (aka Lulu) and I will be studying in Istanbul from September to June. I am so excited and would love to meet people before I arrive! Feel free to add me on Facebook:
Ali Osman
Escrito hace 11 años
hi everybody ;
now i'm erasmus student in spain, end of the june i'll come back to turkey. If you have any question about istanbul or life in istanbul :) , you can ask me. I will try to answer all question.
Si quieres,me puede preguntar en espanol ;)
Miranda Wickham
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi everyone! My name is Miranda and I will be studying at Bogazici for the year. I am studying political science. I can't wait to meet you all!
Linnea Celik
Escrito hace 11 años
My name is Linnea, and I will, just like Miranda, be studying political science at Bogazici University during the fall semester of 2013/14. I'm really looking forward to it, and hope to meet you all there!
Moreover, I am looking for flatmates who wish to live close to Bogazici University. Let me know if you're interested!
Sinan Ağacık
Escrito hace 11 años
welcome to istanbul, have you got questions about istanbul or your erasmus uni.? you can ask me
Mohammad Kfelati
Escrito hace 11 años
Hello I am Mohammad from Syria I am planing to study master in Istanbul
burcu kaya
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi everyone, I am living in İstanbul, Sisli. It is very close to Bilgi University, Bahcesehir University, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul Technical University. I have a big and oldstyle flat in Sisli and I will rent 1 bedroom and 1 dressroom. My flat is 3 minutes to Osmanbey Metro. It is also very close to Taksim ( 5 minutes by metro). If you interested you can ask whatever you want.
Burcu Kaya
George Mrk
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi people.
I'll be next year (2013/14) for Erasmus at the Istanbul University.
eghbal gh
Escrito hace 11 años
hi , hey İ can host some erasmus students in istanbul for short time period for exchange lanquages and share experiences try to contact me :)
Toni Meier
Escrito hace 11 años
Hey Sara, im going to Cerrahpasa as well. But I´m going in September already. Why do you go in October first? Courses of which year will you pass? I´d really love to saty in contact, so maybe we can help each other a little bit concerning the election of courses and everything. Is there anybody else who will visit Cerrahpasa?
Regards, Antonia
emirhan barak
Escrito hace 11 años
hey guys..i was an erasmus student in UK Salford almost 4 years ago.. now i live in İstanbul and also study in Marmara Uni. for a masters degree in European Politics..i know the great feeling of being an exchange student..anyone planning to come to Marmara Uni. ? Feel free to ask me anything
Toni Meier
Escrito hace 11 años
By the way, does anybody know about the EILC (the Intensive Language courses)? Do they offer one? And do they offer also one for those who already had a language course in their home country? And from when to when will it take place and how do I apply?
Sorry, so many questions :-) Hope, anybody can help me.
Im looking so forward to,
regards, Antonia