Oscar Guzmán Grimaldo

Programas que sigue

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Actividad de Oscar

  • Compartir piso

    Guys from Colombia looking for an apartment to share

    Hello everyone! I am Oscar from Colombia, with my friend (Juan) we are going to start the programm International Masters in Project Management located in Milan and Glasgow by Politecnico di Milando and Strathclyde Business School. We are looking for an aparment/flat in...

    en Compañeros de piso Milán, hace 6 años
  • Foro

    Erasmus Milan 2018 / 2019 (English)

    Hello everyone! I am Oscar from Colombia, with my friend (Juan) we are going to start the programm International Masters in Project Management located in Milan and Glasgow by Politecnico di Milando and Strathclyde Business School. We are looking for an aparment/flat in...

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