Margarida Carvalho

Ciudades que sigue

flag-pt Portugal
flag-it Italia

Universidades que sigue

flag-pt Margarida Carvalho

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Actividad de Margarida

  • Experiencia

    Experience in Bologna, Italy by Margarida

    What is it like to live in Bologna? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Bologna is incredible. The city is super beautiful, safe and open minded. What is the student lifestyle like in Bologna? As a student you will probably be all the time in the street "Via...

  • Foro

    Portuguese Course

    Hi :)The weather has to change, mainly because this weekend is São João, the nicest party in Porto. So satuday night you will see lots of people outside with a plastic hammer in their a crazy tradition. I'm loving Bologna. I understand why your friends are...

  • Foro

    Portuguese Course

    Ciao Adriana!I'm from Porto. Now i'm spending my first Phd year in Bologna, however, I will be in Porto during the summer (end of July - beginning of September). So, we can always make "tandem" :) Hope you enjoy Porto. It is an amazing city! Margarida

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