Actividad de laxman
Moving to berlin from Hamburg
Hello liebe Berliners, I am starting my masters studies from winter Semester in bbw berlin Hochschule. Ideal for me would a WG room, student dorm room starting from 01.10.19. Previously i have lived in WG rooms and student hostels here in hamburg, so i can say i can...
en Compañeros de piso Berlin, hace 5 años -
Erasmus Hamburg 2015 / 2016 (English)
I will be going to TUHH this winter. feel free to message me.
por laxman en Foro Erasmus Hamburgo -
Experience in Tribhuvan University, Nepal by laxman
Generally, what is Tribhuvan Vishwavidalaya like? Tribhuwan university, T.U. located in the capital kathmandu is the most recognized and reputed university in nepal. Its the oldest university founded in 1959. Its education is recognized all over the world and does have...
Experience in Kathmandu, Nepal by laxman
What is it like to live in Kathmandu? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Kathamndu(capital of Nepal) is a very diverse city in itself. It has great monuments and temples as it is also called city of temples which are hundred years old, some of them enlisted...
Erasmus Lubeck 2014 / 2015 (English)
You mean lubeck hoschule ??
por laxman en Foro Erasmus Lübeck