Jakov Simjanoski

Programas que sigue

Ciudades que sigue

flag-it Italia
flag-mk Macedonia

flag-mk Jakov Simjanoski

Ciudad actual:
Ciudad origen:
Universidad destino:
Universidad origen:

Actividad de Jakov

  • Compartir piso

    22yo male, looking for single room in Milano

    I am a Macedonian student speaking 5 languages, with previous experiences of studying abroad (amongst which in Firenze). I am open minded and friendly but also appreciate privacy. I will be staying in Milano starting 28 February/1 March for a long time as a Masters...

    en Compañeros de piso Milán, hace 8 años
  • Foro

    Erasmus Firenze 2014 / 2015 (English)

    Hello guys, I'm Jakov from Skopje, Macedonia. I have been in Florence since september and I'll be here for the whole year. I currently live in an apartment with another Italian girl, and we have two free rooms. It's at Via Gaetano Milanesi 67, if anyone is interested...

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