Riga Riga Dinamo!!

flag-es Gema Sánchez-Grande — 1 personas siguen al autor

Mi experiencia Erasmus en Riga, y una guía para todos aquellos estudiantes que penséis venir en el futuro! :)

Publicaciones en el blog

  • Transport in Riga

    In Riga city there are many different types of transport, so you will arrive easily to your destination. The best ways to move around Riga are: Train The main train station in Riga is called Origo... I think that the real name is "Stacijas Laukums" but all the people...

    2 , en Blogs Erasmus Riga hace 8 años
  • Nice places to visit in Riga

    Hi guys! In this post I will try to talk about the most interesting places you can visit in Riga city. I will try to explain as much as it's possible for me and for my English level. Riga is practically composed by Museums, parks and cathedrals. I won't talk about the...

    2 , en Blogs Erasmus Riga hace 8 años
  • Breve introducción

    Antes que nada, una pequeña introducción de mi misma :) Me llamo Gema, soy de Madrid, tengo 23 años, estoy estudiando Turismo y llegué a Riga el pasado mes de Agosto (y aquí seguiré hasta Mayo más o menos). Hablaré un poquito sobre por qué elegí Riga entre...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Riga hace 8 años
  • Bunkers Trip Latvia

    Hi guys!! In this post I will talk briefly about a very nice trip organized by the ESN. For all those people who doesn't know what the ESN is; the ESN is an organization created with the purpose of organizing activities and trips to make more interesting the life of the...

    0 , en Consejos Erasmus hace 8 años
  • Lapland Trip by the ESN with Timetravels. PART 1

    Yihaaa! How are you my colleagues? Today I'm quite inspired and I will try to explain my self the best I can and I will talk about the LAPLAND TRIP organized by the ESN. The Lapland trip is one of the most famous trips organized by the ESN here in Latvia, and I guess in...

    0 , en Noticias Erasmus hace 8 años
  • Lapland Trip by the ESN with Timetravels. PART 2.

    So here I will continue talking about the Lapland trip we did two weeks ago. In the last post I told you how perfect our cottages were and how good we slept the first night. Well.. we needed to rest because the next day would be exhausting for all us. DAY 3. Tuesday. On...

    0 , en Noticias Erasmus hace 8 años
  • Lapland Trip by the ESN with Timetravels. PART 3.

    Hello friends! So here you have the third and last part of our trip to Lapland. In the last post I told you what we did in our third an fourth day in Lapland, here I will continue with the fifth day when we did one of the best excursions that Timetravel offers. DAY 5....

    0 , en Consejos Erasmus hace 8 años
  • Where to buy food in Riga

    Good morning little travellers! In this post I wanna talk about a very useful topic if your actually living in Riga or you are planning to come next years. I will tell you which are the best places to buy food, I will talk a little about the prices and about the...

    0 , en Consejos Erasmus hace 7 años

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