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Erasmus Experience in Zwolle, Netherlands by Elena

Published by flag-gr Elena Papa — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-nl Erasmus experiences Zwolle, Zwolle, Netherlands


Why did you choose to go to Zwolle, Netherlands?

I wanted to experience Dutch life because it was a culture much different to mine. I was interested in Dutch social and political system as I knew their open-minded and liberal laws and attitudes. Zwolle was my only option in the Netherlands and what helped me take this decision was that Zwolle was quite close to Amsterdam.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

My scholarship was for one semester (apr. 6 months). I received 466 euros per month scholarship. This is called the "Erasmus Mobility Grant" and it is supposed to cover the difference in cost of living compared to your own country.


What is the student lifestyle like in Zwolle?

Zwolle isn't really famous for its wild and crazy lifestyle. Iτ's more of a typical Dutch city with beautiful and quiet sceneries. Although it has some great places to party and it's true that within this kind of small city you make really strong bonds and relationships with the people you share this experience with. The best parties were made in the dormitories and student's rooms.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Zwolle to other students?

Windesheim University of Applied Sciences was the university I studied for 6 months. It is a great university from every aspect. It's organisation, it's infrastructure, the way classes are performed, the facilities and the services provided to students are excellent. What is also really helpful is that everybody speaks English fluently. But this also applies to the majority of Dutch people. The city as I said is a small and quiet typical Dutch city in which you can have looots of fun with your mates.

What is the food like?

Food is like potatoes, soup and sandwiches. And more potatoes! Don't expect any great food in the Netherlands. You can of course try to find the food of your homeland and just cook it there. There's plenty of food to buy.

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Zwolle?

No, because I got helped by the university. They asked if I want single room or double with a roommate and I chose single so they found the room for me.


How much does it cost to live in Zwolle?

Depends on what you have in mind to do. Just to live there can cost really cheap because food in the market is quiet cheap and you go around with your bike (yes, you have to buy a bike - a used one of course). So basically you don't have to pay more than 800 per month (including accommodation and other life costs).

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

There were Dutch language courses available and I attended them but as I said you don't really need to learn Dutch as the majority of Dutch people speak fluent English. But Dutch is a combination of English and German with a veery weird accent.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Zwolle?

The restaurants are fu***** expensive. But there's an excellent place for breakfast and brunch and it's called "La place". Search for it it was my heaven. It is inside a shopping centre.


Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Zwolle in the future?

Dutch people are really direct and sometimes offensive. Don't bother it's just the way they are.

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