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English native speaker to have conversation time.

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: Tomás Hinojosa
  • Job vacancy: English native speaker to have conversation time.
  • Number of vacancies: 1
  • Salary in €: 12.00 € Hourly

Hi there!

We are a group of parents from the P.T.A. of Jerónimo Blancas (our children's primary school).

We are looking for a native English speaker to have conversation time one day per week.

We are intermediate level or above.

The idea is focusing on one main topic and speaking it for about 45 minutes. Then we will spend the last 15 minutes of the class recording a little audio clip with the next week's topic.

The audio clips will be transcribed and translated to Spanish by the students.

That will enable us to listening and read it during the week so that we can deeply acquire the new vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar structures.

The topic will be about some interesting issue, like an article, a song, a movie, a real conversation between two native speakers and so on.

It's been proved that learning that way is the fastest way to learn, acquiring the knowledge as a five years old child might do it: subconsciously and effortlessly.

Don't be shy and join the group. We are going to learn more than English.


9 years ago

Tags: flag-es Student Jobs Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain

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