Experience in Yerevan State University, Armenia by Naira
Generally, what is Yerevan State University like?
A university like all the others having both its positive and negative features.
What are the facilities like?
As a linguist I can say that there is a lack of the necessary equipments and sometimes of the necessary material.
What are the tutors like?
Generally, the tutors are good professionals. Unfortunately not all the tutors evaluate the knowledge of the students objectively.
Are the lessons easy in Yerevan State University?
There is no University where all lessons are easy. Sometimes it's really hard but there is no lesson one cannot succeed to learn. Students are supposed to work hard - that's the key of the success.
Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?
The university organizes activities regularly, The problem is that only the Student Council is aware of the events. Dissemination doesn't work well.
Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?
Modern methods are used rather often, however, good skills, knowledge and experience of the teaching staff compensates for this lack.
Are there any stories you can share?
The only thing I can add is that if you're a good and active student you'll enjoy studying at any university. If you have a chance to study at Yerevan State University I highly recommend to be present at the lessons of foreign literature. No drugs or alcohol can give you so much pleasure as these lessons do ;)
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