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Erasmus Experience in Wiener Neustadt, Austria by Raileanu


Why did you choose to go to Wiener Neustadt, Austria?

I chose to go to the University of Wiener Neustadt because of the interesting master program taught in English at a very attractive and affordable tuition fee.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

It was not a scholarship, but 2 full years for a master program. I did not received any money to help with the living costs.

What is the student lifestyle like in Wiener Neustadt?

The student life is very nice, there are a lot of activities for Erasmus students and from what I've heard they also have a buddy system which is very helpful and fun. There are occasional parties organized by the student dormitories or by the university which is a great occasion to meet other Erasmus students.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Wiener Neustadt to other students?

Yes, I would happily recommend it. The level of education is very high and you can also have a lot of fun with a lot of new and interesting people.

What is the food like?

Austrian food was a bit new for me but it wasn't hard to get used to.Being a person that loves something sweet I can easily say that the cakes made there are amazing especially if you have time to make a trip in Vienna and enjoy a nice coffee and a piece of chocolate cake. (Trip advice:- if you visit Vienna you can visit Cafe Neko where you can enjoy a nice coffee, a good cake and also you can relax with the help of 5 amazing kitties. )

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Wiener Neustadt?

No, it did not cost me at all. I looked it up on Internet and I also asked for help from the university staff, which was very kind to help me.

How much does it cost to live in Wiener Neustadt?

With accommodation at a student dormitory I believe somewhere around 600 euros would be more than enough to pay the rent and enjoy a nice student life.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

It is tricky to go past the dialect that is spoken in Austria and even for a German speaker is a bit difficult to understand or to be understood. On the other hand there are courses available, for free, and it is possible to obtain a diploma that is recognized in all Europe.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Wiener Neustadt from your city?

The most economical way to travel from my city to Wiener Neustadt is by bus but it's not very easy given the fact that I have to travel for 15 hours. A bit more expensive but much more easy and comfortable is traveling by plane.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Wiener Neustadt?

If there are no organized parties in the student dormitory I would recommend the city center and Herrengasse Str. where are a lot of clubs and nice places to have a beer and meet your friends.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Wiener Neustadt?

The city center hosts some very nice restaurants, wether you want to enjoy some nice traditional Austrian food, Italian or Chinese. It is also a perfect place to have some takeout when you have only a short time between classes.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

The number of museums in Wiener Neustadt is rather small but there are a lot of events organized at Arena Nova (concerts, festive dinners.. )

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Wiener Neustadt in the future?

Enjoy your time and all the nice people you meet and never limit yourself only at Wiener Neustadt. The train services are amazing and very comfortable and there are a lot of amazing places left to visit in Austria.

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Comments (1 comments)

  • flag- Daniela Luna 7 years ago

    I am going to Wiener Neustadt next fall semester, what was your accommodation? was it near the university or in the city? and what was the name so that I contact them?
    Thank you!!!

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