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  • Company name or name of the person in charge: RASTEL
  • Job vacancy: telecommunication
  • Number of vacancies: 11
  • Salary in €: 2500.00 € Monthly

I am still working with this company from the mentioned date and have carried out many of the internal and external work on many levels, including the following:

Installation , commissioning and maintaining of 25 wireless PTP/PTMP links for city-wide surveillance project for Ejdabia city.

- Dual Carrier Wimax swap project for Ltt ( Libyan Telecom and Technology ) where installation & commissioning of new BTS , RRUs and Fiber optics equipment were carried out.

-Libyana 2G to 3G Swap project where Installation , alignment and commissioning of 20 NEC microwave links for ZTE company were successfully delivered .

- EVDO CDMA Expansion Project owned by Hatif Libya and operated by Huweii where we were involved as a subcontractor of Huweii's to installing , commissioning and maintaining of newly established

CDMA base stations ( 20 sites ) and establishing of of more than 25 microwave PTP transmission links.

- Libyana 2G to 3G Expansion Project with ZTE where we have installed , commissioned and delivered a turn key implementation of 13 BTS sites and more than 12 microwave PTP transmission links ( ZTE vendor make ).

- Almadar Aljadeed's Base station sites Earthing System project where we have been involved in delivering a turn key implementation power earthing system for masts and telecom equipment.

- Wimax phase 2 project for LTT where we have completely constructed around ten 18 m guyed must towers starting from concrete foundation for tower base up to erection of tower itself.

- Turn key civil works delivery project for Efficiency for Communication & IT ( private ISP provider ) where we have recently got finished with construction of concrete foundations & tower erection services for seven 18 m guyed must two-wire towers. 

ابو عبدالرحمن الحسن

7 years ago

Tags: flag-pl Student Jobs Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

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