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Talking dutch to a child

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: Joris Janssens
  • Job vacancy: Talking dutch to a child
  • Number of vacancies: 1
  • Salary in €: 9.00 € Hourly

The perfect and non-committal and easy STUDENT job (starting preferably from Jan-Feb 2017 (in mutual agreement).
For a Flemish (preferable) or Dutch native student to initiate a 3-year-old child into dutch by just talking dutch to him. No experience needed, just the will to talk. In case of a lack of subjects to talk about, there is a whole rang of dutch books at the child's home. 'Dutch talker' needed for 2 à 3 hours/ week at the child's place of residence  (+/- 5 minutes walking from Imielin metro stop. No care-giving duties to perform at all since there will be a nanny present at the residence all the time. If you're interested and you like an audience of a joyful 3-year-old boy, don't hesitate a minute and send me an e-mail or call me.


8 years ago

Tags: flag-pl Student Jobs Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

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