Experience in University of Economics Prague, Czech Republic by Daniela
Generally, what is the University of Economics Prague like?
For studying Economics, it is definitely the best school in Czech. There are five faculties (finance, international trade, business administration, statistics and economics) and the range of the classes is huge. It is very close to the city centre, in walking distance from the main train station. There are three buildings, the very new one is awesome and then two older. One building is also close to the dorms outside of the city centre, but this is where only freshmen go. As everywhere else, there are some good aspects and also bad aspects, but the school is worth it.
What are the facilities like?
The uni cafeteria is quite ok and you can get quite cheap food there. Also, you can get some food at uni café and bistro and there is also great burger restaurant. The library is the best one for Economics in Czech, but the environment isn't very cosy though, so I have never studied there. The sport facilities aren't that poor, but the problem is that there are not on the campus, but all around the city, and usually you can get there only during a teaching sport class.
What are the tutors like?
As anywhere else, this is very subjective. Some are really helpful, while others not. Some are really good and experienced. But generally speaking, they are quite tough regarding the rules and they don't make much exceptions.
Are the lessons easy in University of Economics Prague?
In the most cases, you have 90 minute lecture and 90 minute seminar in smaller group. The lectures aren't mandatory but the seminars are. Most often, there is one test in the middle of the term and one at the end of the seminar, plus some other graded activities such as presentations or seminar works. When you pass the seminar (at least 60%), you need to pass the exam as well, which is usually the written test or sometimes it is oral exam. In general, I don't find it very difficult, but once again, it really varies from class to class.
Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?
There are not many university activities. Some activities are organised by clubs and associations, such as regular movie night, lectures or conferences.
Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?
The teacher are often experts in their fields with many years of practice. Sometimes, they are even past diplomats, politics, WTO workers etc. But sometimes, they just spend all their life teaching and struggle with real life examples.
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Content available in other languages
- Español: Experiencia en Universidad de Economía de Praga, República Checa por Daniela
- Français: Expérience à l’École Supérieure d'Économie de Prague, en République tchèque par Daniela
- Italiano: Esperienza all'Università di Economia di Praga, Repubblica Ceca, di Daniela
- Polski: Doświadczenie na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Pradze, Czechy według Danieli
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