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Experience in Varna, Bulgaria by Denitsa

What is it like to live in Varna? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Varna is a very pretty city. It's not very big, but there are a lot of interesting things there.

Experience in Varna, Bulgaria by Denitsa


What is the student lifestyle in Varna?

There are a lot of people from all over Bulgaria here and you can make a lot of friends. The universities are good, too.

How much does it cost to live in Varna?

To live comfortably in Varna, you need 200-300 euros max.

Experience in Varna, Bulgaria by Denitsa


Was it difficult to find accommodation in Varna? Do you have any advice?

Accommodation in a shared apartment, for example, costs 100-150 euros max, with bills included. My advice is to always make sure you have a contract for your apartment.

What is the food like there? What are some of your favourite dishes?

The food is great! You all have to try "shopska salata" (salad) with "rakiya" (a winter alcoholic beverage), our skara (grilled food) and another kind of food, which is cooked in "Güveç" (earthenware pots).

Where would you recommend to visit in Varna?

I'd recommend the Sea Garden, the history museum, pobiti kamyni, there are a lot of other little museums, which are very interesting to visit.

Experience in Varna, Bulgaria by Denitsa


And to eat in Varna? What are some of your favourite places to go?

Alba is a place that has great food for cheap, Godzila, too. There are some other good restaurants here: BM, Mr. Baba, Happy, Bodega, La pastaría and lots of others. The cafeteria at the Dolphinarium is a very interesting place.

Where would you recommend for a night out in Varna?

There are a lot of clubs here in Varna, it depends on what kind of music you like. They play Bulgarian music in the majority of the clubs, Horizont is a very good club, Avenue is the cheapest, but you have to be careful with the alcohol they serve there. Ekstravagantsa is good, too.

Cubo is a good bar, especially in the summer, because it's on the beach.

It's very important to go to kruchma when you go to Bulgaria- it's a place where they only play traditional music and serve traditional food. The best place to go to see Bulgarian dances is Ivanchov Han- they have a very interesting programme, but you have to book a place before you go.

Experience in Varna, Bulgaria by Denitsa


Do you have any advice for students coming to Varna in the future?

My advice for students in Varna is for them to give everything a try :)

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