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Teaching assistant needed in a bilingual kindergarten

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: Erasmus In School
  • Job vacancy: Teaching assistant needed in a bilingual kindergarten
  • Number of vacancies: 1

This is a STUDENT position. This pay is a monthly stipend.
Free accommodation is provided for the first two weeks for those who are not already in Cullera.

A kindergarten in Cullera is looking for a female teaching assistant, (the kindergarten has requested this). Your role will be to asssit with activities in the kindergarten with babies and toddlers, 0-3 years old.
Working hours: 9-1pm & 3-5pm

There is a stipend of €500-€600
You must have a work visa/student visa or be from an EU country.
You must also be a native English speaker or a non native speaker with a C1 level.


6 years ago

Tags: flag-es Student Jobs Valencia, Valencia, Spain

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